More Mechanics for Monolith Bosses (Perhaps number of mechanics could scale with Corruption)

I really enjoy the infinite corruption system and getting to the higher levels for the additional challenge. The bosses can get more punishing in the sense that they 1-shot you and take longer to kill but they are all quite simple and do not have many mechanics, since these are the bosses players will fight the most, this can get quite repetitive and boring after a while. I found the Tier 4 Dungeon bosses to be refreshing and more challenging due to there being more mechanics in the fights. I would love to see a couple more mechanics per Monolith boss and maybe even an extra active Shade mechanic. If the developers want to keep the bosses simple early on, they could have the Monolith bosses gain an extra mechanic at a certain Corruption level like 200 and then another mechanic at maybe 300 or 500. The Shade boss could also gain mechanics every 200 corruption or so? This would make the grind far more interesting for me as I enjoy boss fights in these games but these are really simple at the moment.