More forum activity

hire someone to go through the bug reports and reply to every single message there, so community feels more engaged. They can do searching on internal issue tracking systems to see if the thing exists, create an investigation ticket for each that don’t, and let us know we are heard and valued =] Even a 15$/hour contractor from the Philippines could do this job. There’s no reason to have hundreds of posts with no responses.

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Depends on what you want. Structured answers that most users will trust in that case you need someone with inside info about developers and bug fixes,uniform answers that a minimum of users will trust, and the rest will grumble about automated answers or a team reading it and trusting users who don’t want to hold back from fixes by forcing the company to answer.

Yeah not sure copy-pasted pre-written replies to everything would be believable at all. Assistant from Phillipines isn’t the way. We need reasonable answers from devs involved in development, and sometimes we do get them. Obviously game launch means an explosion of activity and too much work for them to keep engaging with everyone, but they’re doing a good job overall. I got some replies to my suggestions in the past.

Yeah, they do not have to answer every post but at this point I even wonder if enayone from the team is reading posts on this forum.

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