More and diverse Endgame

Monoliths and Arenas are just not enough of a diverse endgame.
In my case i hate all the “time between” content, get out of the monolith, take the reward, go next, again and again and again. The arenas the same, 5 at a time is to little.
I want to see something like Delve in Last Epoch, uninterrupted content that the player decides when to leave and the rewards match the endurance.
There are a lot of fun ideas on that context, for instance, how about a continue stream of monsters that try to kill you and it only ends when you die and then you get the rewads based on the time you survived?
things like that!
¿Any more ideas guys?


Dude, the game isn’t launch yet.

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Is the time between Echoes in Monolith really this interuptive!?

I think Monolith is quite smooth from a gameplay flow.

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Personally, I’ve always disliked delve in PoE. That being said, I have no issue with something like it being added to LE.
But it’s still early days of LE. There will be plenty of endgame content added over time. As it is, LE has more endgame than many ARPGs released in the last years.

Solo it’s okay in Coop it still feels very stop and go.

Heya CaptainFriendship,
Don’t forget that you have dungeons too. I know that they are also working on building up the monoliths, just don’t know what all they are doing.
Regarding the arena “5 at a time is to little”, I don’t think 5 waves at a time is too little myself, but that’s my opinion. I know that people are different so this will be different between individuals as well.

Never had big issues in MoF at all in MP. Only the campaign was a slight annoyance.

There is arena, which I believe has a way to lock in certain levels. Althoufh I have seen complaints that there needs to be some higher tier lock in points.

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