Monster unique aura buffs

Hello, I had a random idea again. This time it’s about the auras some mosters have and something ive noticed about certain ones that seem to have a weak pointless effect. Such as the twin and resurrects after dying.

My idea is to improve these two buff modifiers to be more exciting or challenging.

  1. When a undead mob has the resurrect aura tag it should be reborn looking more necrotic than ever and be bigger than usual. It should also gain more hp and be harder to kill. (This aura proc effect would look different on non-undead mobs)

  2. When mobs spawns a twin, there should be more of a challenge, but what I have noticed is they die very quickly and almost instantly. What if the mob with the twin aura tag continued to spawn twins for a while so you could slaughter them in a mass cluster, each twin could be a bit harder than the last etc.

Thats all, thanks!