Monster Level: Do I Have This Right?

If you’re lower level than the map, the monsters are the map level. If you’re higher level than a map, the monsters scale to your level. Is that right?

Example: I’m 85 in a 100, so the monsters are 100; but if I were 100 in an 85, the monsters would still be 100.

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You’re asking specifically about Monolith, correct? From another thread in 2022 I found that they basically haven’t told us how it works. Question about Monster Stats scaled by level

From my experiences, I assume that’s actually not the case. If I go back and play lower level monoliths, they are significantly easier, so I assume mobs do not actually scale up in level. We do know for sure that mobs get area based damage reduction that caps out at 90%, apparently.

No, the mobs are always the lvl of the zone. If you’re in a lvl 85 zone, the mobs are always lvl 85 regardless of what lvl you are.

In dungeons/monolith/arena enemy level = area level.

In campaign enemy level is fixed for each enemy type, but it’s usually close to area level. For example Titan’s Canyon (area level 36) enemy levels range from 31 (Winged Carrion) to 38 (Spymaster Zerrick).

Enemies have damage reduction based on enemy level, not area level (though as mentioned it’s usually the same).

If you are much higher or lower than area level you get exp penalty, but this does not affect enemy levels.


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