Monolith Overhaul

It’s not easy to get me excited about a game anymore. I’m 42, been playing games since pitfall on the atari. My love for rpgs started when I found Dragon Warrior and Final Fantasy on Nintendo back in the 80’s.

I just read this entire blog with my mouth open in wonder and kept thinking to myself, these guys get it! They are going to make that badass game we are all on the edge of our seats waiting for.

Those new forge models are so good


Looks incredible, thank you!

Welcome to the community.

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Yeah, everything was better back then. Even the universe had less entropy & was further from heat death.

Personally I blame the hipster kids like @Heavy.


Thank u for a beautifull birthday present… So this is what u meant something like delve from poe is comming in monolith. Its an amazing concept, if this is what i think it is it is the best endgame system than in any atpg so far at lrast for me.
Keep up the amazing work

OK This looks so insanely amazing as an end game update! This badger is mighty excited :smiley:

I’m in agreement with you. It took me a while to get my head around how different of a world it is now. But I think I managed to bridge the gap well enough to be technically adept, but I’m still grounded enough in the old ways I won’t go full cyborg.

This looks great and I can’t wait to try it!

How about a super duper mighty unique idol that takes ALL (24?) slots? Something else to chase.

This looks great - I can’t wait to give it a whirl!
Thank you EHG for regularly keeping us in the know.

And it should indeed be aptly named ‘The Super Duper Idol Of Might’ :muscle:t3:


Dear god!

These changes looks amazing.
As a depressive aspie it’s really hard to get me excited for anything, and yet you managed to do just that :slight_smile:

That’s very sad. I’m 51, playing since 1986 and still able to be very enthousiastic about games. You’ll never be too old for games. :wink:


That’s awesome name. :+1:

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Oh, don’t get me wrong here. I’m very much a game enthusiast still. Always reading about the new buns in the oven, and trying to keep tabs on where all my old favorites are heading. I alpha and beta test anything that I can get an invite to. About 200 games in the ps4 library and however many more on the pc.

But true excitement is something that is hard to come by. Most of the games I see are dead copies of other games, but instead of being better or at least as fun, they make it worst. It’s like watching the same movie over and over and over. And every once in a while somebody changes a line or two or adds an alternate ending.


The changes sound really good! Thank you for the Dev Blog and all your continued hard work

Amazing changes!
I really like the idea of being able to fight bosses and not lose progress.
I enjoy fighting them and always thought builds should consider boss killing (most are focused in arena).

With these changes monolith looks a lot more fun and rewarding too.
Can’t wait to play 0.82!

HYPE x100! Release the Shadow!

ps: do we have a more estimated date than just “may”? i would like to take a week off to just play, stream and create content about the new patch

Dev confirmed it to be May 24th on lizards stream yesterday.

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Sounds very existing!