Monolith Overhaul

Dev confirmed it to be May 24th on lizards stream yesterday.

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Sounds very existing!

Outstanding improvements to the monolith system, but why require players to go through the main storyline for each of their characters in order to access this content? It would be great to have the option to jump in to this system at level 1 on all of your new characters after you have completed the storyline on one of your other characters.


This game is going to be so good… Looks incredible; well done.

Every once in a while someone brings up the idea of an alternate leveling system. I agree that rushing through the campaign over and over again becomes a chore so I would like to see some diablo 3-like adventure mode(?) implemented in the future… But I also have never seen any official responses from EHG regarding the matter either. :man_shrugging:t3:


Once again EHG brings it!

So cool! Ty! :slight_smile:

Looks amazing as usual guys, the one thing i was hoping to see though was procedurally generated maps as i think it would drasitcally help you guys out without having to make a high number of maps and keep it feeling like you know the locations already. Either way it’s all great stuff, thanks guys.

EHG…you guys are f*****g AWESOME!! On track to be the BEST ARPG 2021+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++!!! +

So, developers did listen to feedbacks. Make the community involved in the changes while still in development before applying them. Making necessary changes. Wait is this a dream?
Thanks EHG, hope you’ll keep up the good work.


No, it’s EHG. It’s one of the most pleasant things about all this: EHG really care for players. Of course they will not do all what players request, but they really listen and weigh requests, because they want to make a great game. Spoiler alert: it’s already great. :wink:


Really like the fact that the quest echoes won’t feel as random anymore, and that you don’t need to play a guessing game with reward types.
The variety of different objectives is the most important change here though. It felt quite repetitive doing the same thing over and over while hoping for that next quest echo to spawn.
Keep up the good work, team :slight_smile:

This overhaul has me excited for the future of this game. The endless possibilities are all there. Though I do have one question. Is the Orobyss the cause of all the chaos and was Orobyss intentionally named that way to soud like Ouroborus hence why defeating it resets the timeline creating an infinite loop?

Another step closer

Must admit I’m waiting for it with fingers crossed :smiley: Gonna be huge, thanks EHG!

You’re actually fighting the Shade of Orobyss, not Orobyss himself.


Cuz the real Orobyss would squish us like the bugs we are… not fair calling it a one-shot, more like total annihilation of your soul squish.

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Erasure from the timeline. Like you never existed at all.

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Soul consumed… end matrix.