Monolith Overhaul

Erasure from the timeline. Like you never existed at all.

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Soul consumed… end matrix.

Godly Idol of the Whale.

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That’s what i 'd call THE OVERHAUL. Tremendous changes. Looking forward to trying them all . So can we hope for this patch to be released in late May- early June?

Would be cool if each of the “empowered” timeline bosses had a chance to drop a unique idol that was in a shape such that you couldn’t equip more than one unique idol at a time.

(the patch preview thread might say when it’s dropping)


Did they mention what happens to the current blessings or if you will still be able to get blessings?

In the Patch-Preview they teasered the inventory and if you look closeley, there is a designated Blessings Tab, so i doubt there changed much.

But we have to see, at least they are still there.

wow :clap: :clap: :clap: :raised_hands:

Sounds amazing. Just need to know one thing…WHEN???

24th May.

lets goooo

would be fun if you could create your own idols with the affixes you like (still random range) but in exchange for that. the idol is 1or2 squares bigger than usual (in comparison to the dropped variant) this allowes to get some well needed affixes to close the gap till you find the right one


Haha that would be hilarious :smiley:

Fantastic updates… Almost like a whole new game!

Maybe one day sneak in a secret serenading Gato boss level that is guaranteed to drop 15 shards if you beat him.

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Well spank me and let me call you mommy because this is pretty darn WOO

it will come with 0.8.2?

Yes it will.

We already got a patch preview here:

There are even more exciting things.

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that is great,but when did you team will add Chinese in the game.thanks!