Monolith Modifier Suggestion Box

Drop your suggestions for interesting monolith modifiers to be added into the pool. I suggest asking yourself these questions:
Does this modifier change how the player will play through the map, or does it merely extend the time a player deals with the map (increased enemy HP/dodge)?
Does this modifier have interesting interactions with other modifiers?

  • 50% fewer enemies, but 100% chance for giant enemies to spawn.
  • Enemies may explode on death. [Charges up for several seconds and then explodes, giving player time to move away,]
  • Enemy move speed increased by 100% unless damaged recently.
  • Totems of Orobyss. [Totems spawn which buff nearby enemies for 10 seconds, or until the totem is destroyed.]
  • Time-lost warriors. [Spawns uber enemies based off of the class archtypes, with a chance to drop class-specific gear]
  • Enemies teleport in a random direction every 4 seconds.

I really like the first 3 especially. What about: No rare spawns, but 50% more spawns and all enemies do double damage.

Also gonna point out that in the current Mono system, these modifiers would need some way of scaling.


Great ideasā€¦ I for one am keen on more variety in the modifiers but I am assuming that these will come as the game progresses to completion.

My two cents ideas:

  1. Negative modifiers for the player to spice things up a bit more.

  2. Monolith maps matching mobs - i.e. it tends to ruin the feeling of the game for me when there are multiple ice mobs in a magma map. I am just being picky probably but its odd.

  3. Map specific rather than mob specific boosts. I.e. Ice Maps cause slow, Fire maps burn if you stand still. Nature maps boost healing regen.

  4. Physical map advantages/disadvantages. i.e. Maps with mazes, maps which put mobs out of melee range until the player gets around a path, maps with teleport hubs to get around.

  5. Maps with arena style completion. i.e. defend against 10 waves of spiders.

It would be wise for the developers to also include some lucky versions to make people want to reroll more and also feel good. Itā€™s important to not make them wack or the dopamine juices wonā€™t start flowing:

  • 200% increased gold dropped
  • Chest drops at least 5 uniques
  • Your hits always crit
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  • Cooldown recovery is reversed (ie, increases cooldowns, but with a % modifier so it can scale) but mana costs are reduced by x%.
  • Mana costs are increased (by a %) but cooldowns are reduced by a %.
  • Every 8 seconds, the player has x% increased movement speed but x% decreased attack & cast speed for 4 seconds, enemies have the reverse effects (so while you have increased movement speed, they have increased attack/cast speed).

  • Every 8 seconds, the player has x% decreased movement speed but x% increased attack & cast speed for 4 seconds, enemies have the reverse effects (so while you have increased attack/cast, they have increased movement speed).

  • Enemies (or just rare enemies) have x% chance to ignore your crit avoidance, but are blinded.

  • Enemies have x% chance to teabag your each others corpses but are invulnerable to damage while teabagging. Corpses can only be teabagged once, nearby enemies point & laugh while a corpse is being teabagged, pointing & laughing enemies take x% increased damage.

While enemies are ignited they have x% increased movement speed
While enemies are chilled they take x% less damage
While enemies are shocked they have x% increased attack/cast speed
While enemies are poisoned Boardmanā€™s characters take x damage per stack per second
While enemies are frozen they gain a damaging aura that does x damage per second (to the player & any minions)
When enemies take damage, they reflect x damage back to the attacker


I really like the 5th one. I think that could be pretty awesome and fit the thematics of LE very well.

Any particular 5th one?

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

The OP first one. But your 4th one is on I think would be implemented nicely.

One i thought that would always be a nice thought with his risk high reward!
Enemies gain X dmg based off magic find %, then magic find is doubled! so if you get 100% magic find on your total modifiers then it gets doubled to 200% enemies gain that in damage.
Could be a huge reward risk situation still alluring even for HC players like myself.


Nooooooo! Almost all ideas Iā€™ve seen so far are interesting and kind if viableā€¦ but For gods sake - No damage reflect of any kind, please! :dizzy_face:

Additional suggestions:

  • Enemies do 100% more damage and have a 100% chance to get stunned for 1,5 seconds when getting hit critically
  • Enemies are immune to a certain damage type (e.g. void damage), but leave 150% more gold
  • Enemies take 50% less damage unless blinded / slowed / chilled
  • Enemies respawn after 2 seconds if they have been killed before they could hit the player once

Itā€™d be flat damage before protections. That way you get to ā€œenjoyā€ more of the hp bar than just alive/dead. Besides, the counter to that mod would be a slow, hard hitting build.

Also, immunities are bad, but I like the last 2 ones, though Iā€™d change the 50% less damage one to ā€œtake 50% less damage unless affected by a non-damaging ailmentā€.

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Awā€¦ I get it. :sweat_smile:

Yeah. Iā€™m always thinking about ways to make the non damaging ailments more interesting. Right now most of them are just filler stats that increase the affix pool to prevent getting top gear too easy.

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