Monolith modifier - glancing blow modifier

I got mobs get 60% glancing blow modifier.
With new patch its seems OP. (we overall do less damage + new protection system)
I think GB modifier if not removed , at least must be lowered in value (like 10-15%)

pretty sure critā€™s canā€™t be glancedā€¦ so stack crit :stuck_out_tongue:

Iā€™m not sure if thatā€™s true, but my bear with 100% crit chance seems to do just as much damage to mobs with that affix as normalā€¦

Pretty sure it can. Iā€™ve got Firebrand making Flame Reave always crit & I can tell when the the mobs glancing blow procs as my Flame Reave crits are much smaller.

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hmm, well thenā€¦ I do have a pretty high attack speed, so maybe I just donā€™t notice since every attack is a crit, mobs still seems to die within 1 or 2 swipes, even with that affix tho, soā€¦ shrug lol

Itā€™s not about having a high attack speed, itā€™s about noticing every few crits are doing half the damage. Itā€™s fairly obvious when you go from a 20k crit down to a 10k critā€¦

I completely disagree.
Its a well designed modifier because the value is high enough to make it impactfull and it targets specific builds.
Those two things are important to make the mechanic interesting and not trivial (in the sense you donā€™t care what modifer to choose)

You can think of it as ā€œmonsters have much more HPā€ but only if you are a hit-based build.

Just saying monsters should be allowed only the same GB as players lacks any logic:
How about monsters then get attackspeed and crits as the player? Would you like to eat some 50k dps to make things ā€œfairā€?

While not ā€œcompletelyā€ :wink: , I also agree that the modifier is fine as it is. Its one of those that you have to think carefully about accepting - especially in conjunction with others you already have active. i.e. if you already have ā€œmobs have more healthā€ then you need to understand you are compounding the issue.

I donā€™t think it should be changedā€¦ its just one of those ā€œhardā€ ones that make life interesting in the Monolith runs.

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