Monolith Beacon node confusion

So I’m lvl 75 and in the Ending the Storm timeline, I got to a “Charge the Beacon” echo, completed it, then clicking on the echo selector thing (the little floaty diamond above your stash/merchant when you finish an echo to choose the next one) is suddenly showing me the Fall of the Outcasts (lvl 58) echo web… is this a bug or supposed to happen from Beacon echoes for some reason? I have to port back to the main island waypoint and choose an echo from there to get back into the Ending the Storm timeline. Feels like a bug but I haven’t learned everything yet hence why I’m asking.

Yes this is a bug, I haven’t this happened in a long time to me, I thought it was fixed.

Basically in the little reward area where you choose the next echo, the Monolith Stone is belonging to a different timeline.

Just open a bug report

thanks, will do

Yep happens every time for me; if you do an echo which has an effect on the echo web (revealing it, resetting it, etc) and isn’t just a standard echo, the moment in time you end up in afterwards is from the fall of the outcasts specifically and not the echo web you were in. Been going on for weeks, asked about it in offline chat and everyone there said it’s an issue for them as well.

Huh, I’ve been doing a lot of monos lately, since I’ve been on vacation and finally had time to play a while, and I’ve never had this happen to me.
Is this a legacy/cycle thing, maybe? I’m in legacy, if that helps, and as I said, it never happened.

I’m also in legacy, but offline; could be an online / offline thing? Since in the offline chat the responses trended towards it being a universal issue.

I haven’t tried playing offline yet, so maybe that’s it?
I honestly don’t know. I’m sure the devs are aware of it through the reports, though, and will work on fixing it.

Yes forgot to say I play offline cycle

It seems like it’s an offline thing. I’d wait for 1.1 to see if it’s fixed.
Until then it’s annoying, but just check your timeline every time you do a special echo.
At least teleporting between monoliths has no loading.

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