Modifiable Target Dummy

Hey All,

I just had a quick thought to run by everyone and see if maybe we could get it in the game. I’d like to see the option to customize the test dummy at the hub. By which I mean you could click it and select from a series of defenses, penetration levels, etc. This way you could more accurately test a skill you are using to see where it’s weakness/strengths are which will give you a better idea of how to improve it.

It’s just frustrating when I come up with a build, put it together and I see VASTLY different hits on the dummy than I do against actual enemies. Having a way to make the dummy more realistic to what you will face in the game would be a great way to test build progression.


It’s a long time talk… :wink:

… and others.

EHG are OK with the idea, but it’s not a priority, and we don’t know how it will be done.

Well hot diggity dog. Glad I’m not the only person thinking about it! Thanks for the feedback.

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