Misha's Sentinel Guide 0.7.7

I ll include a section abt it, but dodge, ring of shields and block are basically the same thing. Its powerful tools to mitigate majority of incoming damage from trash mobs. Block also counts as hit btw.

The important things as i described in guide is not to have too many shields or you wont proc 450% damage passives and lose dps, so go for 5-7 shields and its fine. I would take shield crafter even if i havent specialized into RoS, its only 4 points, but usually my builds dont have nay free points so i dont always take it.

Added Block, dodge and RoS section

Improved paladin section

if you add the passive that has 30 % chance to do a aoe attack when attacked , manifest weapon will proc way too much and break the game. ( but it answers your aoe problem )

I use it, its in the build. By lack of aoe i meant that Holy explosions arent big themselves. So you have to lunge to almost all mobs and kill them in case or archers etc.(unless they all rush you)


7.7 update

  1. Updated abyssal Jugg build with new AE tree,
  2. Updated basic sentinel tree in builds.
  3. ADDED new build! Forge guard minions, that completed 358 wave but can go waaay higher and probably higher than abyssal echoes.

Maybe another strong build will be added in this guide later :wink: if i manage to gear it up before 7.8


yeeehaw, i’m ready.

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Oh man, i would love so much to play the FG minions build but i just can’t stand volatile reversal :confused:

Hey Misha, Great guide. I was wondering if you could list your gear too. I’d love to see what you prioritized in each piece.

i tried a few sentinel builds
i think the sentinel might be the most broken class in this game
i’m not 100%sure, becuz i’m too lazy to get it to wave 500+
what is very nice is that sentinels can make beetles disappear in under 1 second

its not broken cause its mathematically impossible to get high necro prot like bear does for example, so eventually you will die, but if you play carefully you can go very high, wouldnt call it broken

that’s exactly what i’m worried about… so i couldn’t make up my mind on whether they can go on forever
does creeps do more one-hit damage later on? or do they just attack faster? i’m worried that they could one shot me deep into late game

no they dont if you play wisely, I died to lags

me too, at 676, 531…
if that is the case, then i would say sentinels r definately broken
with life leech + high damage, i think it just might be able to go on forever…

no, im pretty sure ~900 is a cap, on wave 500 i had osprix vanguard that hit me for 600 hp out of my 660 hp(through all defensive buffs and 9k+ fire prot), and 1 necrotic whisp takes more than half of my health on 750+, so its a matter of rng, some things are unavoidable and you cant avoid everything because speed modifiers are fucked up and make things that supposed to be avoided by moving into impossible to avoid

so tldr getting a pack with speed mod or unlucky rare mod combination after 600+ can easily kill you and you will get it due to how probability works

i have 595 health, so that means a little more resist, do u think this will help??

or is it gonna make things worse?

i dont think so :slightly_smiling_face: remeber that it was on wave 500, if i had that enemy on 700+ i would die for sure and i couldnt avoid his circle burst attack cause he casts it too fast. and its just 1 danger, the further u go the more danger you come against. The main problem is that you have to sustain vengeance+lunge+pot buff ALL the time, if 1 buff falls off you chances of dying goes up like 10x and we all humans so everyone will make a mistake eventually and that also can cause death.

Idk im waiting till they fix the protection system and itemization/passives and switched to protection mage which is way tankier than sentinel imo

P.S. its not even strongest build on forge guard, void hammers deal ~same damage but waaay more tanky that one can go to 1k+hopefully

interesting… what is void hammers? a hammer throw bd? gotta look into it

do u replace echos with hammer throw?

ye and smite idols etc