Minions stay alive after player death

Hi, new player here. i am playing a zoo build and every time die i have to resummon 15 different minions. this is driving me nuts. can we have them stay alive when the player dies? even path of exile a game known for terrible QOL has this feature.

Yeah, this has been suggested before. Though usually more for minions staying around when you log back on. Mostly, it’s a performance issue.

PoE does have it, but to be fair, for the longest time it only did this for the permanent minions like spectres. The other ones, like zombies, despawned on death/log off. It was only a few years ago that they changed that.

i could live with re spawning them once every time i log on but after every death is starting to really frustrate me now. (first time playin so i die a lot) and golems have a cooldown so i have to wait between each golem.

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Yeah, it’s kinda annoying. And sometimes you have to wait for mana regen. But I don’t see that happening soon.
I’m sure the devs are aware of it and would like to change that, but it’s not a high priority issue.

Before the 1.0 patch strong enough minions were able to kill bosses after player’s death. Unsummoning is the solution for that problem, hopefully temporary, cause this change alone made me hate my favorite abomination build :frowning: necro survivability is the worst of all classes

By the way POE2 will have automatic minion resummon after a short period, and a cool minion UI. Competition is a good thing

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