Minions are bad

Yes, and I’ve tried most of them. But wraiths feels like the most power, for the least investment and least risk = OP. Manifest Armor has a highly annoying minion AI, with a quite specific rotation and positioning to throw up that kind of number(s). Flame Wraith? Throw up a Dread Shade, spam-cast Wraith and keep Drain Life up to replenish mana – win. I haven’t played Abom since the fixes/changes, but it really sucked with having to re-summon every time you zoned, plus if it dies in a fight, it’s not easy to get back up and going. Squirrels, well, I’ve never felt invincible with squirrels the way my Wraith build does. shrug Powerful != OP. Power with no real drawback(s) = OP.

This is my take.

Being able to delete julra really fast does not exactly make a good build.

it just makes a really good julra build. Abomination has a 0 second julra depending on when you start the counter. You can 1 shot her with abom : ^) but doing so takes 50 years of set up and is just for cool bragging rights. Abom for doing monoliths is pretty lackluster. even with the ai fixes its still really slow and moves around sorta stupid. But it is much better then it was.

MA sucks to do monos with most of the time unless you really dont plan to kill anything but the objectives. it runs all over the place and is too fast for its own good.

Squirrels are probably the closest to a more reasonably balanced build, but the current way they are built does not lend to be as tanky as flame wraiths.

Flame wraiths dont really suffer in any metric, they feel good to clear with, good to boss with, and you can become very tanky on wraith builds if you try.

But even wraith is not what id call overpowered, maybe a bit, but it could easily have some numbers nerfs and remain strong without needing to stomp it into the dirt.

Depending on the content you are looking to do, none of these builds are op.

Yeah, that’s kind of what I was thinking. Why I mention wraiths is because they can achieve that level of power with little investment – all you need is a decent rolled Aberrant Call and a couple of fairly common idols. Capping Aberrant Call +wraith affix at 8 might be enough to bring them in line.

We can just say this is a definition difference between you and much of the community. Generally we say if you can kill the hardest boss in the game in under 10 seconds, there’s at least something about the build that is insanely OP.


I don’t play a lot of necro. This build is still being played? First time I saw someone playing in in one of my few CT multi groups I couldn’t stop laughing. Never tried it because it looked boring. I thought it got seriously nerfed. I seem to recall someone throwing a massive fit when it happened and permanently quit the game because of it. He was pretty active in the community and had mostly good feedback.

I’m glad to say that’s probably not the only one.

Its a very solid build if your goal is doing content with basically no gear.

The abomination needs no other scaling other then the player summoning it and skill levels.

The node in question that got nerfed was %more damage per minion eaten, it was capped at 40 minions eaten.

However abomination also has a mechanic where it gets 30% increased damage per minion eaten. So permanent abomination which has no decay and requires basically no upkeep from the player still consumes about 13 minions. This is 390% increased damage, so between that, the tree, and all the more multipliers, perm abom is a very lazy build where you just let your huge minion wreck havoc. He is slow however, so its really bad at doing monos unless you rush to objectives.

The non permanent abom did get “nerfed” because its more multiplier got capped, but it got new tools in the form of the zombie ring. Cycle makes it so you can actually start channeling abom, and alt tab(or do the numlock trick etc) and the zombie res happens fast enough that you never stop having a target so you can channel abom… infinitely. this means lets say you eat 4 minions a second(the zombie, then its 2 parasites and a vanguard) your abom gains 120% increased damage per second of channeling. Channel for say 120 seconds, and you get an abom with 14,400% increased damage. it then will just slap julra and make her go away.

Obviously this is very strong for julra, but not really as feasible for content where you dont get ample time to set up vs one very specific target.

id say at this point in time abom is mostly a very niche build for people interested in one shotting julra, or players just starting out that dont have any gear but want to do t4 dungeons very easily. Perma abom can do t4 julra very easily without any gear as well without the tedious set up.

once you have lots of gear options, more minion builds become better. Because while you might in theory get more damage out of abom, the other minion builds come with faster clear, more ease of use, and less time setting up. Flame wraiths are way better then abom even if abom in theory has infinite damage just because of their ease of use, but they need gear to get started.


LOL. Yeah, that’s what I remember from the older build.

That’s interesting. Kinda mixed feelings about it, but it does give newer players a chance to see t4 Julra with a modicum of success.

The build I still use is one big Skeletal Mage. Lots of ward. Biffs hard. The build is in the cyclopedia. I think she called it Fred or something. :smiley: It’s fun but I’ve never been a big minion person.

Thanks for the breakdown.

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Yeah it’s insanly OP in killing on boss… like he said ^^. Minions are strong if they are used right no questions asked but I don’t think they are OP and need to be nerfed just because some builds can kill one boss fast. Then again if they were removed from the game I won’t mind :smiley: .

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Yeah, I don’t think a build is OP, based off certain niches it excels in. An OP build is one that has few or no weakness(es), and performs better, across the board, than the overwhelming majority of other available builds. Not just being able to do one thing incredibly good, under specific circumstances.

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I’m with you on this because nerfing a class because it shines at doing one thing will make it worse in every other aspect of the game as well. There wil always be classes that are better in X then others.
If the builds aren’t completely broken and busted I don’t think beeing able to kill Jura 1 sec faster then another build is something that OP to begin with.

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