Minion Portrait Placement

I play on a Samsung Odyssey monitor with a resolution of 5120 x 1440. It’s quite difficult to easily see the companion/pet/minion portraits on the right side of the monitor when gaming. I have got to physically move my head to see the portraits (3rd world crisis I know! :joy:). Is it possible to have the minion portraits more central on the screen please, so it’s just an eye movement? Or is it possible to more them around? I’ve checked the setting but I can’t find this option if it’s available. Sorry if this is my error and I’ve missed it.

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I’m about ready to shelve my summoner necro playing on 3440 x 1440. I have to look away from boss abilities to figure out what to resummon. We really need summons info in the center of the screen, or maybe the count overlaid on the action bar buttons for the summons.

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