Minion limit and indirect summoning

I’m new so forgive the confusion. I’m doing a build with one minion limit, but I wondered if minions summoned by effects like serpent strike or healing totem from assessor renewal count in that limit. They have the minion tag, so I’m confused.

Thank you in advance. I’m trying my best to learn, but got no reply in help. And googling didn’t say anything.

Hello and welcome to the forum.
As I remember it, the minion limit you are probably referring to is the “companion” limit. Many of the Primalist’s summons count as companions, and their skill tooltips will tell you so. If in doubt, as long as the tooltip doesn’t say “companion”, it should not count towards that limit.
You could, for example, have one companion from whatever skill you’re using, and then summon something like six Thorn Totems, because they’re not companions.
Hope this helps!

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No, this will not bypass the hard limit. If im not mistaken, the beastmaster tree can add another 2 for a total of 4. No clue about if there are set items or uniques that can further increase the number.

I. Using the passive to limit to one minion.

Thank you. I didn’t think of that wording. Thank you.

Then no, pick your buddy carefully.

You can have a total of 6 companions, via tree, uniques and wolf skill tree.

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Figured, but I didnt want to portray bad info, thanks for that.

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