Minion damage over time scaling?

Hello i wonder how works damage over time for minions?
If my minions aplly ignite on hit does this ignite deals basic damage for ignite or is this ignite damage increased by my ignite damage which i have on character sheet?
Let’s say that basic ignite damage is 40 over 3 seconds, but i have this ignite damage increased to 100 over 3 seconds.
Does minion apply basic ignite 40 over 3 seconds or is he applying 100 damage over 3 seconds? Which i have stated on sheet in my ignite damage.

Thank you for answer.

Your stats never apply to minions (unless specifically stated in a node/unique affix, but that’s rare). So your minions’ ignite start at base and is increased by minion damage nodes.
So using your numbers, they will apply 40 over 3s.

Ok thanks.

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