Hey everyone, we are now a Twitch Affiliate! You will now be able to subscribe, donate, and cheer while also unlocking Last Epoch related goodies. Going forward, the team has decided that 100% of all subs and donations will go to charity. For the remainder of May, we have chosen AbleGamers to be our first charity. AbleGamers focuses on bringing people with disabilities together through video games to help combat isolation while also forging new friendships.
To help kick things off, we have some pre-recorded MIkeClips that you can play using bits through Sound Clips. We are not sure how long this will last as it will most likely devolve into chaos. Join us on Twitch to discuss Last Epoch with the devs, enjoy the chaos while it lasts, and help support a wonderful cause!
Stream starts at 3:00 PM CDT and can be found here: Twitch
And if you missed last week’s stream, you can catch up here:
I’m one of them. But with all respect I can’t get it why donate to a company that charges 400+ US dollars for their devices… I’m sure there’re better charity options like helping kids with severe diseases and so on.