MG's Bazaar actually needs a separate currency

Yes, I agree that ranks and favour need balance. Or getting rid of ranks. Whichever. And I expect that EHG are working on it. It’s hard to adjust without enough data. And even if they had released MG in EA it still wouldn’t matter much because there would be much less players interacting with it, and without the confines of a cycle duration.
But that is different from making a new currency for trade.

The problem for me was that PoE’s prophecies really turned me off on that mechanic and I get noxious just thinking of interacting with a similar mechanic. Even if daily.
This is in no way EHG’s fault, or even GGG’s. It’s due to me and my gameplay preferences only.

They were atrocious, yes.
I was reluctant to try it out because of that as well.
I guess a few people being there before they were taken out of PoE feel the same way, can’t fault anyone for that.
And they stayed for so… sooooo long despite people going ‘ughhh… again?’ each time.

Reminds me of re-farming crafting recipes through Betrayal nowadays to a degree! Such a… umh… special mechanic!

Yeah, that’s annoying. It wasn’t much of an issue when I was in a clan, because we had a couple people that were the crafters and everyone gave them the veiled items, so as a group we had all crafts available really fast. But as single player, veiled crafts are an awful mechanic. But so are crafts being gated behind mechanics, like delve.

Yes, fully agreed there.

Those types of mechanics haven’t ever felt good in any game.

Which is why it’s all too baffling that I see such a direction appearing in LE, which I don’t take as a good sign but with hopes for it to be fixed.

What is MG’s Bazaar and CoF and is it linked to Last Epoch???

This i agree with. I would love to see buying restrictions removed. Dont see thia harming trade at all. With the other restrictions in place.

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I had never replied to you. However, yes arena key nerf means they should have buffed something in return, as CoF is incredibly limited on currency gains.

Which is why stash tab costs will be reduced.
That solves the whole problem.

Also what do CoF do with the gold beyond using it for tabs? They have the Lightless Arbour for sinking excess gold into as soon as they have enough tabs, and tabs won’t run out easily when you’re also crafting fitting exalted bases for your build into items to slam on uniques for legendaries. So it reduces a bit of storage space needed.

You just get swamped with gear along the way and can’t store it all… but that’s fine, there’s no need to collect every single idol for example.

This guy had the same idea, pretty were elaborated too, give MG their own currency tied to experience/favor, not only would balance out both factions in terms of gold capabilities but also would help avoid exploits and probably would even hurt rmt

Ok, that’s fine, but I thought we all learned why people were disappointed with D4. They nerfed but didn’t bring anything to fill the void. If the plan is to increase gold income from other areas, then that should have been done together with the arena key nerf. Currently this leaves the future unknown as there are no official posts about any increases?

What are you talking about? The nerfs were a good step in the right direction now D4 is a powercreep clownfiesta. People were unhappy their builds have been adjusted to the difficulty of the game it’s just delululand and d4 went down the drain because of it.

IMAGINE EHG comes true about balancing classes for arround 300 corruption. The nerf pages would be miles long and instead of communicating this openly and tell people to enjoy the things they deem fun because they come to an end they don’t even fix bugs that make masteries completely broken.

I for myself can’t understand this because with this groundwork they’ve set the bakclash will be crazy and we are in D4 land all over again. LE was something special that wanted to bring back old school hack and slash aspects paired with modern day inventions and so far the only thing special about LE is the ammount of passive skill trees. It’s just disapointing or I missunderstood their intention from the beginning because I can’t find any information when they said they are okay with buged builds that make their game difficulty a laughnig stock.

woah now… reread if you must, but exactly as I said. Taking without giving is what a community doesn’t want. Removing the key cost is fine, but there was no change to assist players that rely on this method as to usher them into a new path.

So similar to D4 with the “sugar with the medicine”, this is a reflection of that and that was my reference.

They keys were completely overpriced and are now in a much more resonable price range. I don’t even pick them up anymore and have 0 issues with gold anyway. There is no sugar needed because there was no medicne given it was just a way to keep things in check.

Still I don’t know why they act on some stuff and not at the biggest issues there are ^^.

Let’s not get carried away. If you were relying on Arena keys to fund your max stash tab project, then you chose… poorly. I’ve maybe made 200-300k off Arena keys. The selling price was a nice bonus for a reward I had no use for. Now, it’s just a reward I will never have a use for, including selling it.

As for the factions, they don’t have to be balanced, 100%. They are better/worse for how you want to play the game. I don’t want to trade, no desire, so CoF is better…while MG is completely worthless to me. Now, if I only had a few hours a week to play, then MG would be better for me, since my time to farm is lessened.

I wouldn’t be surprised if, in a few cycles, we start hearing MG players gripe about not having a challenge in acquiring gear, and losing interest faster in the game. People generally gravitate towards the easy road, but end up having less satisfaction with the results. As much as I would love to be decked out in LP4 Legendaries… I don’t want to buy them. There’s no satisfaction in that. It’s kind of like your favorite song always sounding better when you happen to catch it on the radio.

You mean a convoluted and senseless mess of an affix system?
You mean effects merging extremely often with the background despite enemy types and area being designed together and not random?
You mean chaste uniques needing 50k hours of play-time to drop?
You mean making a large world only to leave it fairly empty beyond the baseline? (See how ‘bland’ most of the world looks and compare it to the fairly vibrant LE areas)
You mean it having nearly no crafting?

Which one are you talking about here? :rofl:

It’s definitely not the balancing though, that’s the least of Blizzard’s worries with that game.

If it’s needed then it’s needed.
Short-term backlash has less meaning then long-term longevity of the game.
It’s simple as actually and many devs give in to community pressure at the wrong time… or don’t give in to community pressure when doing something wrong… which is the wrong time.

Power-creep is a given in a game, but reigning in broken stuff and fixing it is a baseline that needs to be adhered.

Wait, CoF players can buy and sell? That’s totally unfair. They get better drops and can buy and sell? How is that right?


See? So they don’t have an inherent need for a lot more gold.

CoF Stash vs selling items on MG to buy all the stash tabs in a week.

While i was with you for the most part, i’ve to disagree highly on this because:

Don’t get me wrong, i personally don’t care about the pricing-adjustment of the keys itself, because i don’t find it good that a mechanical component is so highly encouraged to be sold versus actual gear or goldrops. My Problem is rather that this Change exist to begin with, because as i highlighted: “burden of optimal on MG players”. Which kinda tells us two things:

  1. This would’ve potentially not happened if it would’ve effected ‘only’ CoF players. But rather just because of MG Players. And by thus:
  2. That CoF is linked to the Economy of MG Faction. And that due trying to guarantee that one faction’s experience isn’t altered, it did already alter the experience of the other faction.

If you have one concept build on pure economy, and the other one not, it is pretty problematic if the interact with each other. I mean that’s why Items are separated to begin with, so it doesn’t have an bad influx in terms of economy and we can have both playstyles/experience guaranteed. But at that point when they decided that both have the same ‘Currency’ or let’s rather say ‘Wallet’, it did become already an issue. And changing the Prices of the Key doesn’t really help in the long run but rather is a short-timed bandait. Because now they always 've to double check if it comes down to the balancing of the Gold-Income for CoF Players, because it might have an impact to MG players. (Vica Versa not so much).


I don’t disagree on this in ‘general’ but if they change the pricing of keys for the sake that MG Players don’t feel forced/encouraged to play CoF to be efficient. Do you really think they will introduce another way so CoF can farm more effective gold? That would lead to the exact same issues as with the Arena-Keys, as long as the currency for both factions aren’t ‘separated’.

/Edit: Again - to clarify - i agree with you generally it would be good if CoF would get a equivalent way to make gold, my point is that this is just half of it’s solution because as long as the other problem isn’t fixed, i don’t think it will really happen or if it does, leads to the same issue/problem as with the pricing of the arena keys.

In a general ‘sense’ i do agree don’t separate the basic concept of gold from trade, but i still would separate gold as a currency to two currencies based on it’s current faction. I don’t really care about semantics if the currencies are more split into two different ‘wallets’ like you have a Goldwallet for CoF and a Goldwallet for MG; or if to make it more exotic by calling the CoF one Gold and the MG one Platin(rubbies, pennies or whatever), but a maincurrency for each faction but seperated.

In it’s functionality, as pointed out above - both share pretty much the same. With BOTH you can buy stashtabs, or gamble, or the vault, or npc vendors. Both have the same functionality, with the exception that Platin or MG Wallet-Currency also works for the Bazaar. And that where the money is drawn from but also went into based on which Faction you play right now.

You play MG Faction? Then every money you make is platin / went into the MG Wallet. If you sell or buy stuff, (or based on what item-tag it have like a mg items with the mg tag only gives platin while CoF items only gives Gold).
You play CoF then obciously ‘Gold’.

But as long as the economy is shared because they both have the same currency / wallet, it will effects both - and i’m just not sure if i would call that ‘fair’.

I also want to point out - i also find that both Factions don’t need to be perfectly balanced. My Argument here is that it’s kinda wonky up to bad, if each individual factions gets ‘balanced’, ‘adjusted’ or ‘changed’ because it effects the other Faction which for me looks a bit unfair and also not exactly in the key-experience/spirit of the faction system…

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