Yes, and that’s perfectly fine!
Which is why a system which adjusts the current state is a good thing. If you align yourself with CoF then trading becomes harder + hurdles extra (like harsh taxation) to make it nigh impossible to interact so it can’t be cross-abused in-between them.
Same that CoF through upgrading base-drops would lower your potential to have tradeable items in the first place, all those upgraded or directly dropped from the system not being able to be traded.
Problem solved without keeping players ‘stuck’ in one of those 2 factions. Which is the whole point.
It feels shit if at any time your gear becomes unable to be used and hence forces you to stay where you are even if you wanna change your playstyle. It limits you without a need to and also makes it harsh in a group. What if you love CoF but your friend you’re playing with loves trading? Why should you both be punished to not be able to trade items between each other then? As the drops which would fit him perfectly couldn’t be used despite both of you putting in time and effort into your respective faction and hence earning each specific drop individually while a system is in place to exchange items between players playing together.
Where is that a problem? A CoF player doesn’t need that amount of gold, plain and simple. You can’t have the upside of CoF and MG, that’s the whole point.
CoF provides personal items.
MG provides moolah, which is then also needed to acquire items, and a lot of it as well.
And you won’t, because there’s no reasonable one, your solution is as good as any other one.
Because at the current state of the mechanic basically any solution is better then the current state
Why? If you sell items to gain favor then the high-tier items will need insane amounts of favor. Hence favor has intrinsic value, hence it’ll be used.
That’s how currency works.
If it’s to acquire gold (which already has a very good reason to exist) then it’s just saying 'I want to acquire more stash-tabs quicker. And that would be unfair. Because an MG player needs to keep that gold to buy their items a CoF player gets showered over their characters.
Then MG would have not a single upside anymore for the majority of your playthrough. It’s not that simple, but the whole mess needs nonetheless to be fixed.
Very true.
Yeah? What’s your point?
Ask yourself… why do you collect gold? What use does it have?
If you have 100 tabs and 50 are empty… what’s your use for more gold? (Given Lightless Arbour is ignored, but that’s beside the point)
You get gold to acquire items, so you sell items… to acquire items.
You won’t have any incentive to play after having all items you could ever have acquired, you make a new character as there is no goal anymore.
What you do is enjoy that character, blasting through content a while, then you pat yourself on your back mentally and say to yourself ‘well done’. Your journey is over.
Ok, so, this helmet you wanna have costs 16 million favor, acquisition speed is the same as it is currently. Also to list something you need to spend 50% of the favor which you would acquire from it.
So… how do you get enough favor? Spent 1000 hours playing? Or do you put up items to let your already existing favor work for you?
It’s not a good option, I agree! But nonetheless a working one which is actually better then the current one.
Once more, it doesn’t need to be since CoF players have no ‘sink’ for it like MG players do. It’s apples and oranges here despite being the same currency.
Any sinking of gold into Lightless Arbour for a MG player is a waste of gold. You reduce your value right away for a shiney loot shower which is as untargeted as it ever was.
So still, what does the whole discussion come down to:
MG and CoF currently compete, which inherently makes both feel like utter shite. Swift and simple.
They need to be both available but also both with their respective downside if not aligned with.
So suddenly you can trade in the worst-case scenario, and if it’s just to slap stuff inside you personally don’t need to get gold… someone sooner or later buys things.
And as MG you can take a break from farming up towards an item and just enjoy shiny loot showers instead.
And you know… all of that without fucking breaking your characters completely and utterly