Merchant Guild

Unless I am really blind/stupid (high chance) I can’t seem to find a way to type in an item name, sort by highest damage type or any damage type and yet I get 1000s of pages and items showing up? This game has some amazing QOL stuff so I’m a bit shocked at how bad this design seems… is there any chance you can add some filters like name of item/damage type ie fire and then when it lists 100s of them have a “sort by highest phys dmg” or elemental damage etc? I only just hit the MG last night, swapped from CoF to try everything before 2.0 and yeah was definitely taken back! If there’s something I’m missing, please help lmao <3

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Yes, MG UI is… lacking, to put it mildly. It’s very clunky and hard to use for lots of things.
Mike said there would be changes to MG in Season 2, so let’s hope one of them is a better UI. It’s really needed.

If I remember, I’ll ask him on friday on his stream.


Oh sweet that’ll be epic! There’s not much I don’t like in this game and the stuff I mentioned in game chat people say it’s all changing so the timing of me starting last week seems perfect haha :slight_smile:

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I asked Mike about it on stream now and he said that MG and CoF will get a few UI improvements but not many, because they focused more on the weaver stuff for Season 2. But it’s on their list. He didn’t say anything regarding Season 3, so no idea when it will actually come.

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I see the famous ‘It’s on our list, we’re planning for it to happen next cycle!’… to then be postponed for mid-cycle… to then be dropped and happen after a whole extra cycle’s length… to then miss major inclusions needed noentheless :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s not what he said. It’s getting a bit Chinese whispers at this point.

If they turn that into chinese ASMR then they might have a new trending section on Twitch and become rich with it!
Who knows… might be the way to go! :stuck_out_tongue:

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You can already pick an item by its base name or unique name.

You can’t sort by highest damage, but you can search for items with a specific affix.

For example, I can select “Katana” in the item base dropdown, then select “+X Melee Fire Damage” in the Affix list, then set the affix to T7. And you’ll get only Katanas with high damage.

I did specifically say that Mike didn’t say anything about it happening on Season 3. He just said there were only a few UI improvements happening in Season 2 and that it’s on their list of improvements for the future.
I think he very specifically avoided saying anything about it happening on Season 3 because he can’t be sure when it will happen.

Yeah, very fair.

And very disappointing too.

Yes, I mean they should have prioritised MG/CoF UI improvements over everything else. Plus prioritising adding the new chapter & other things that were originally going to be in season 2 over everything else. Plus prioritising endgame improvements over everything else. Plus prioritising a fundamental rework of how MG works over everything else. Plus prioritising adding the remaining skills for all classes over everything else. It kinda sounds like you’d be one of those managers that every few days redirects your minions to work on something new & drop everything else because this is the priority.


Yes, time’s a bitch, agreed.

But also… going out of beta around 2 years early tends to screw up everything :stuck_out_tongue:

Probably less so than running out of money (not that I have any clue as to whether that would have happened or not).

Also very fair, absolutely!

Bad situation, they just gotta deal with it hence since their planning didn’t pan out.
Because that’s the task of proper planning beforehand, research and learning the proper execution.

I can’t start my first project at a customer either and then learn ‘on the fly’ with a strict deadline before I run out of funds. I need to acquire the ability to perform properly beforehand so I can then showcase my performance accordingly.

There is also the fact that with the launch cash infusion they were able to increase their team and thus be able to do more things and more quickly.
So they can now finish what they wanted in 2 years, rather than 3 or 4 more years it would have had to stay in beta (numbers are just examples for comparison sake and they should not be taken literally).

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