Mercenary Guild UI

The trading UI looks good, but is incredibly cumbersome and poor in terms of usability.
The following points would improve it in my opinion:

  • Search: I want to sell an item and know approximately what it is worth. It would be great if I could put the item from my inventory into the search and it would search for similar items. Currently I have to fill in dozens of dropdowns and text boxes… Why?

  • Sell: I would like to be able to sell all items in one window and not have to go to an extra dealer. I just want to sell something here and not just wander around like a role-playing game. It’s a nice touch that there are extra traders for everything, but it’s totally pointless and annoying for the buying/selling aspect of the economy.

  • In general, the search window is too big and I always have to close the inventory and stash to find something. The tooltips always hide everything.

OR: You just give us the API and we’ll build a better web application :wink: