Mercenaries In Last Epoch

A merc is not a pet. We are talking about an extra layer of depth that might add a lot of choices and fun for a lot of people.

This sounds like something an esports pro would say. You need to control everything while you do your performance and a merc indeed is less controllable in its behaviour / gets in the way. What if the other gamers do not have this problem because they play less on the edge, casual and in an enjoyable pace? Do I have to give up on the extra fun of acquiring, leveling, outfitting, skilling a merc?
In D2 and D3 the moment I could hire a merc was a memorable moment of joy.
I do hope this game will add them and if they do not that should certainly not be because the few people who dominate ladder might have some problem with it. With respect for their opinion.

I don’t know, he seems normal to me.

So yes, he should probably seek help & stay away from children & the public.

Please tell me you’re a lumberjack & that you’re ok.

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Somewhere in another thread he mentioned he was getting help, so rest assured.

I want a Templar companion so that I can constantly hear “Black magic bars our way… BUT THE WILL OF A TEMPLAR IS STRONGER!” in my ear.

Couldn’t you just pay for an actor to stand behind you & whisper that into your ear every so often while dressed up like a Templar? It’d help reduce unemployment as well.

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Who needs help now


Probably the person with an actor standing behind them whispering into their ear…


What Boardman needs, is a minion that constantly corrects his pronunciation of “melee”. That minion’s name would be Gunther Ultrabolt Novacrunch. But you could call him G.U.N. for short.

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A merc is an ai controlled ally so it’s a pet so to speak. It might be fun for some people and 0 fun and frustration for others.

I always play in an pace I enjoy but I simply don’t enjoy pets. Look at the pets that are already ingame. They shouldn’t be called AI because they totaly lack the I.

This is simply a matter of “I like it” or “I don’t care” as well as “I hate that crap”. If they make them optional everything is fine but forcing a pet on someone who isn’t into pets at all is a big nogo for myself and I rrrreeeaaaaly hope the devs don’t come up with such a crap. On the other hand I understand people who like it because some people do but it’s simply not my cup of tea.

There are none so most likely and hopefully: Yes! because it’s NOT fun… at least not for everybody. So why ruin some players experience for the wishes of a few? On top of that a companion is a big RNG thing… sometimes these work great and sometimes they do nothing or pull enemys not intended to be pulled and so on and so forth.

Again if this is something optional or if they offer “companions” that simply offer buffs instead of tagging along and who are never seem or heard again I’m okay with it but if they put something like this in a game with very short dev time left untill the release date they aimed for happens after they already delayed the game once I’m pretty sure a lot of people will not like it if there are any delays for adding companions ^^.

Yes, but we do have some control over them, not much ATM, but some. I agree for some they are fun and for some they are frustration, However they are OPTIONAL

Mercenaries of course would be optional. They are purchasable with gold and as such you can always chose to never buy them. They are NOT required.

Where are you getting this data? I havent seen a poll conducted and just by looking at the little data collected from this thread i’d say its a more even 50/50 Split.

I agree i would never want the game delayed just for mercenaries to be added, but this thread wasn’t about adding them before release or rushing it, it was just to make it known that “I” want mercenaries and see if they would even be a popular/good/bad/unpopular idea.

I would hate for them NOT to be added just because it never got brought up.

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But if the game was balanced around not having them then it would be easier if you had one, and if it were balanced around having one then it would be harder without one. Or they are so ineffective that there’s very little difference to having or not having one.

But I agree, you should definitely bring it up so the devs can consider it (if they haven’t already).

The game would be balanced around not using them. They would not be usable in anything thats ranked I.e. they would be unsummon if you went in arena. And they are only avaliable when playing solo. If you party they unsummoned

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I ran with a companion in D3 because If I didn’t I was missing out on a buff and a little extra dps, not because I really enjoyed the companionship and repetitive idle dialogue.

If the companion buffs/improves your character in any manner you can say its optional but lets be honest and admit its really not. If its just there for aesthetics, then its not a companion, it becomes a pet.

As a companion, I’d back it… if only because MY FWEND boardman21 WANTS IT. If BOARDMAN21 wants a companion… damn it lets get him one. :slight_smile:

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Even if they buff you… There still optional. Again the game will not be balanced around them and they can even be disabled from boss fights or anywhere that would be considered unfair to have them

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Would you say armor is optional? Weapons?

Nobody says you have to use them.

If a companion improves your character very few will opt out, even those who aren’t fans of companions (in my opinion). That’s all.

Its human nature.

It is! Thats why I dont run any on half my characters


That would be fine, but I’m not sure what their point would be if they weren’t useable in mp or arena (other than to make solo monoliths a bit easier).

Solo mono… Campaign… Other endgame systems that are unranked. Pvp. I will make my mercenary earn its weight in gold by having it repeatable attack you all day

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