May be time to F2P?

I think now is the best time to switch to F2P, the game is cool but it lacks audience reach…

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No, just needs more seasoning and time to cook. So far it is light years ahead of where PoE was in the same stage/time of development.

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To early to make it f2p. If it goes free and still dies due to lack of content it’s over permanently. If game does not recover by end of 1.3. Then maybe we will talk about it

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If it’s F2P they have to add much more MTX at a much higher price. So no. (I am not against MTX but in another F2P ARPG the prices are much too high).

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The game has decent audience outreach given launch numbers and generally how receptive most of the PoE and Diablo communities have been to it, the problem is more that the game isn’t doing enough to get the audience back. 1.1 didn’t do much to fundamentally improve endgame, which has been the #1 criticism since early access, and this event is pretty much the bare minimum amount of content that EHG could afford to push out, understandably so since they’re probably all-hands-on-deck for 1.2 (and to be fair, I think the event has been pretty good so far, as the moment-to-moment gameplay feels more lively to me with the introduction of loot lizards and the event skeletons).


Honestly the addition of loot lizards and the new shrines have made even the campaign so much more fun than even a week ago.

Keep in mind that I’m a player who ignores shrines if they’re not gold, affix, item, or exp shrines. I hate the Crit shrines, Stun Chance, allied ice beetle, +Skill shrines in TQ, or movespeed shrines in Diablo, But these skill shrines (especially Holy Meteor) are just so much fun because they are a) powerful in a unique way, and b) flashy! Criting more often and more powerfully is strong, so is 200% stun chance, but it’s sooooooo dull. I’d much rather shoot out lightning blasts as a Paladin, run around with Maelstrom as a Blade Dancer, or drop Holy Meteors as anyone than Crit more often or summon an allied ice beetle.

I do remember one other shrine I love in this game prior to this update: BEES! because it’s funny and again, does something visually to add enjoyment after clicking on the shrine. Less stat shrines and more skill shrines!

Loot Lizards also add a franticness to the moment-to-moment gameplay. They’re a bit too frequent at the moment, especially Idol Lizards, but they’re a lot of fun and I’m definitely glad they added the silly little guys

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May be, but I’ve seen more than one cool game that died because of the b2p format. EHG and last epoch are not yet a brand, many may refuse to buy, especially with mixed reviews on steam.

Be aware that the f2p variant has also severe inherent downsides.

A shelf-price reduces players… which is true, but it also causes bots to have a vastly harder standing. If they need to pay full price for a bot then after all it means they need to recover that amount before it gets banned rather then simply making a new e-mail account.

While at times p2p is detrimental… far more games have failed with the long-term hurdles of f2p actually, especially if their microtransaction system is not fully set up like LE’s state also represents.

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I have a different opinion,

I think Last epoch should be a traditional arpg, base games +DLC like Grim Dawn, diablo 2, diablo 3.

The problem, like some has pointed out, is pace of update compared to other live service competitors.

By reverting to traditional arpg, EHG will not be pressured to deliver substantial content every 3-4 months, which they have so far proven not capable off, & we have seen this in the 5 years the game was in early access, & the 2 cycle after.

I heard they have been hiring a lot of people, & the current team is far bigger. This should mean bigger update soon, & there si also bigger overhead so we have to see.

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Yes & no. They were pushing out quarterly updates fine until they put everyone on to working on MP (0.9) when the updates stopped until 0.9 released.

A box price + DLC would certainly be an option, though I’m not sure how they would feel about “splitting the playerbase”. :person_shrugging: I’m not sure which I would prefer either.

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Also I don’t like the idea of a free to play, but I can confirm that even with all the QoL that they have made, it’s still not enough to regain the early players, the game at launch had a massive success being the new thing, and a lot of people, incluse me, I have 300 hours total and 250 only in the 1.0, was well happy to play the campaign, and all the endgame, but when the time pass, and you still have to deal with the campaign, the waypoint to discover again, and all these kind of thing, you create this small attrition that really discourage the players to return, even if more content will be added, and even if for some of you this seems a no problem.
For example, with the 1.1 start, I start a cycle character, but at level 60 after the campaign, and a bit of monolith, but the class that I’ve started wasn’t fun for me, so I had the feeling to start a new character, but I give up thinking at the campaign to do again, now, with the restart, I tried again, campaign, level 30, give up again.
Now I have the feeling to play again, the feeling really never disappear, and this mean that the game is really cool, but when I approach the game, thinking to redo the same constrictive thing at the start of the game, I give up, probably I will go another time, but will be the last for a while at this point

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