But not without context here.
I wouldn’t have picked up LE in the first place if the game provided me the option to… for example respec masteries.
Why? Because I bought the game by learning there’s 15 classes, hence knowing full well to get them all up I’ll need to play 15 times through the campaign.
This leaves me more then enough time for the future to play each one out cycle by cycle.
If it’s only 5 (3 masteries per base-class) then I would’ve thought twice about buying into the game in the first place.
As for the skill respec… Path of Exile has a easy system for it. For a good while the best available builds often had a switch method for changing out an AoE gem with a single-target spell included.
Why? Because otherwise they wouldn’t have been amazing but mediocre.
Sure, several others existed but they generally focused on an aspect, either map clearing or bossing, I wanted to do both since I had in mind to experience the game back then fully.
It became so frustrating to do that that I actively put the game down and only came back ~2 years later.
So for example for me personally it would be one massive downside. I know what the outcome out switching between AoE and single-target entails, I know I don’t enjoy doing that, I know that if I want to play a strong build (don’t worry, I have shit ones for fun too and mediocre ones to simply enjoy the game ‘as intended’ as well) then I wouldn’t be able to do that without actively engaging in those mechanics as otherwise it would be unlikely to be as powerful.
So… I’m avoiding those things actively.
Yes, the comparison is bad there, agreed.
It has a function though.
How many don’t play Last Epoch because it isn’t a racing game?
Same line of argumentation. You can’t argue about flavor, different people like different things and there’s a distinction between a flavor mechanic and one which is outright detrimental or enhancing the experience for everyone.
First point:
It’s not about time, it’s about weight of choices. The people you’re disparaging value the weight of a choice higher then the loss of time.
Second point:
Respec in higher levels takes around 10 minutes. If you don’t have 10 minutes why are you playing the genre in the first place? The game is supposed to at least last for 40 hours per character per cycle, and that’s pitifully low anyway.
Looks over to PoE
I guess you’re right, we can’t see any example of that happening.