Massive Patch 1.0 Difficulty Change?

I played my Lich to level 33 pre patch 1.0 and was having fun. I have a golem build with life drain.

Tried to progress today post 1.0 patch and my Golem (+300% health) melts like butter and I die in a flash. This is just on trash in the desert area of the campaign.

I literally can’t even get through the zone to continue the campaign?

Also - my estimated dps values seem to be suddenly very very low (100-200 dps for most abilities) at level 33.

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from the patch notes

" Overall we have Increased enemy health and damage globally above level 60, by around 5% at level 80 and around 25% at level 100."

They also changed Bone Golem

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Yeah - I’m talking about at level 33, and I’m talking MASSIVE change.

My bone golem pretty much never died in a single trash fight before - and I could survive long enough to avoid the damage.

Now the bone golem drops to zero within 10-15 seconds, my damage output barely touches stuff - and if mob gets near me I’ll vanish in a puff of smoke.

I noticed the same on just about every class so far. Definitely well more than 5% at lower levels and loot feels a touch more sparse early game, too. I mindlessly died to oneof the first bosses which hasn’t happened before. At first I thought I was just being bad and got unlucky but I think there’s something ese.

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I play a level 89 Necro Minion build, only for about 1 week now so by no means am I an expert.
However I have read and watched donzens and donzens of videos and posts on building my character and what’s supposed to work.

That being said while my equipment is not BIS I do have some decent uniques and gear.

I am running Aaron’s will 3 Golem minion build with Fire and mage golems.

I have the cycling zombie unique ring and have at least 2 up at all times.

I have been literally one shot by trash in level 90 monoliths since the update or a random pile of Rainbow crap drops on my head from the sky with 0 warning and almost 0 reactionary time that also one shots.

I have almost 2k hit points and just about every passive I’m suppsoed to have and I feel extremely squishier than before.

Since the patch dropped and I have rank 4 in the fortune cycle, I have been steadily improving my gear and stats and I finally have a really good minion build that works for me.

I did beat that dragon in the level 90 monolith, the one that spews and has aoe circles to run in and out of. Took me about 10-15 tries to learn the mechanics, some deaths were do to bad positioning om the map behind the dragon.

So I do agree that alot of things post patch are harder but some of the new affixes and gear is going to balance that out it what I think.

Something weird I noticed the hours I have played in the log are way more than alot of posts and videos from other players I have read yet I know next to nothing about this game except its alot of fun on a necromancer.

Anyway - it’s the end of the game for me for now, I can’t do anything more.

Sad - I enjoyed it for the time before 1.0.

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Sorry to see you go, funny thing I literally just got one shotted by a physical hit with ward up and 1923 hit points trash mob level 90 haha.

Ye difficulty seems to have been upped abit, which is pretty damn nice… It was way to easy before, still is to easy in my opinion.

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Yeah - not being able to play the game is awesome… glad you like it.

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Skill, knowledge, execution. You can do it, buddy! :cowboy_hat_face:

Please explain to me how I manage what my minion does ?
Point me to what keys to press to control its actions, move it and cast protection spells it uses ?


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Create a better build, consider other options, plan it a bit, understand the logic behind defenses and get those stats on items. Use filters in this process.

That is what I would do. Although, if this is not your cup of tea, I understand that as well.

And you have the minion attack button, so you can move him around you. That counts as management. :cowboy_hat_face:

Here, did not want you to wait that much. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I guess if you aren’t going to read the thread, you shouldn’t bother replying.

I’m comparing before 1.0 and after 1.0.

Well, this is 1.0. You are playing 1.0. And it is different. I am OK with that, since it was expected. The changes, that is the whole point of the patch. If we did not change anything, we would not call it a patch. Anyways, I believe you can crack the code and get it done. Cheers!

So - to clarify 1.0 is meant to be 1000x harder than 0.9.2 ?

@craznar Perhaps take this perspective to dismantle the negativity? Just suggesting, ignore if you find it irrelevant :cowboy_hat_face:.

Please share the 1000X harder calculations, if you want to go down that path. Spoiler alert, it is not 1000X harder. :cowboy_hat_face:

I don’t have control over what other people say.

I’m just stating something and asking for help… if other people just want me to go away, I guess that’s the answer.

But enough people ‘go away’… the game will die.

If you need help, that is also cool. But you need to share much more details. I had a build and now it sucks - this is not presenting an opportunity to the community to help you.

People in general do not care if you go away. However, in general they do like the game, and would like for as many people as possible to play it.

So, I advise you try a bit more, adapt your build and use the forum to share more info (there are build planners, and you can share links, so people check out what you made).

I’m not saying ‘my build sucks - whinge’.

I’m asking why such a MASSIVE change occurred, not just a little 10 or 20% balancing.

I’m talking about my golem lasting minutes, and now barely lasting seconds.
I’m talking about dps numbers i had when I was level 5 - at level 33.

It is the scale of the change I’m questioning… not that there was change.

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