Marksman via multishot unplayable on high difficulty

Hi all! I’m new and this is the first message, I’ve played Marksman through flurry and multishot for more than 100 hours, and somehow I’m passing 100 + corrapt, I’m generally silent about arenas. There is not enough survivability, although all resists and mobility have been collected, because… I do most of my damage when I’m standing. If we look at the ladder, there are no players with multishot even in the top 1000, this says something. Please increase the damage of the multishot or rework its mechanics so that it is relevant. Thank you very much!

youre also forgetting how poorly flurry scales even when its working, or that it doesnt proc marksman passive. No-life makes survivability passable though. Last steps/exsang+ xithara

There are many skills that not played at higher difficulties. Why is Multishot special?

Hello everyone,

I have to add my two cents again.

The developers are planning a corruption of around 200-300 per class.

My Flurry+MS MM is currently at 450 and there is still a lot of room for improvement. Damage and survivability is enough for 600+ I think. I’m still missing two key items, good affixes and time to test if it has potential for 800+. So in my opinion everything is fine.

And no, I won’t share my build because it already costs enough to upgrade things. If more people use it, the items will become even more expensive :slight_smile:

I’ll just reveal that it’s not the classic shotgun build from the beta.

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Going through all rogue classes this cycle. Falconeer and marksman trapper are on a different level compared to the other classes. Currently doing bladedancer and bow marksman.

The main problem with bow marksman (aside from not have broken OP nodes like the trapper) is outdated passives and skill trees. Let’s just take some really stupid skill tree nodes in say flurry. You HAVE to waste 2 points in pavise (resists…) to get to fusilade (proc multishot). You HAVE to waste 3 points to get to mana on hit which is required for sustaining channeling. The whole channeling part (standing still) is also rough on survivability.
It’s good fun spraying arrows, but I think we will have to be patient with a rework, because lots of classes are in need of an update.

Sap Willpower is not a MUST HAVE for Flurry Multishot.
I don’t use it and have zero mana problems.
I only have the standard 8 regeneration.
There are much better ways to get mana :slight_smile:

then how will i know im shooting while my eyes are closed?

i walk up to the boss and hold down attack, then have a nap, its usually dead when i wake up, but if i run out of mana then i cant do that :stuck_out_tongue: .

i cant face tank bosses at higher corruption.
i have to move/Shift.
if you can tank the shade with 500 corruption → congratulations

shade in different monoliths have different mechanics.

or maybe its corruption amounts that change the mechanics, i havent really paid that much attention, only noticed them using different mechanics when i change monoliths.

some are easier and some are harder, because of types of mechanics, not really damage.

ha… ha…

So what about the glorious resistance node?

yes, what about it?.. lol

No, there’s a bunch of different versions of the shade, corruption has nothing to do with that.

then what does?

my comment mentioned them being linked to monoliths?

I think which element is chosen is random & then it has a variety of skills, some of which are shared.

Basically, there are 5 variants, one for each element. It’s not tied to the monolith but to the echo. Which means that if one echo has one of the variants, the next echo might have a different one. Each variant uses 2 of that element skils (I think there are only 2 for each, so they’re always the same) and then 4 random void ones.