Marksman - Puncture or Detonate Arrow?

Hey all, I’m working on a marksman right now and I’m struggling to decide between Puncture and Detonate Arrow as my primary skills. Anyone want to share their thoughts? (Other than Marksman is terrible, needs a rework, etc. It is what I want to play)

puncture is a better leveling skill than detonating arrow, thats for sure.

I have a DA Marksman. Trying to go Flurry for Elemental Arrow generation. It’s kind of okay, but not great, and I’ve put the character on hold for now.

The real hotness with Detonate Arrow is using it in combination with Jelkhor’s Blast Knife, that lets turns DA into a melee skill. That’s probably the most successful MM build right now, but probably not what you had in mind.

dont forget cinder strike. Hell reach is easy to get and makes leveling a breeze