MAP「The Dreadnoughts Deck」FPS to low,plz help

i play LastEpoch with 「Steam」

Display Card:RTX2060 SUPER VENTUS GP 8G OC

other map fps:100 up +
map The Dreadnoughts Deck:fps 9~10

setting chanage GRAPHICS to 「off」、「very low」can’t improve fps

plz team help

Hey… Welcome to the forums…

Your game logs, dxdiag and in-game setting file would help.

A few suggestions:

  1. LE is in beta so things like this can and do happen. Performance optimisation is ongoing but until the devs can spend some quality time on it, we have to work around issues.

  2. Graphics drivers… Make sure you are using something recent (2-3 months)… for Nvidia, do not use 466.77. If you are already using the latest avaiable, then consider rolling back an edition or two to see if it makes any difference.

  3. Graphics settings - For a 2060 you should be able to use Medium/High (do not go higher) settings depending on your resolution but you MUST enable a framerate limit in-game (checkbox) that keeps your GPU usage at an acceptable average else LE WILL start doing very odd things - massive FPS spikes are one… freezing or crashing are others. I recommend an average GPU usage % of between 60-70% (obviously with spikes higher in busy moments)…

  4. Make sure your OS is patched properly.

  5. Disable or do not run any other apps while testing LE - this is the only way to ensure that they are not the cause of any potential issues. Doesnt matter how obscure or irrelevant you might think somehting is, just temporarily dont use it. This includes things like graphics overlays (Steam, Nvidia etc).

  6. There are known issues with certain maps and the devs have fixed them but as this seems specific to you, there may be some combination of config or something that is making this happen for you. So its key to try and figure out for sure if its the map or something else… (e.g. I dont get the same issue using a 1060 in that place).

Hi , Team

  1. tkanks for your!

  2. maybe , now I have Nvidia version 471.11 ,I go to try old version

  3. setting info「le_graphicsmanager.ini」,only 「The Dreadnoughts Deck」this map fps to low

ConfigVersion = 2
MasterQuality = Medium
TerrainQuality = Medium
ShadowQuality = Medium
DetailShadows = false
HBAO Quality = Medium
SetHX = Medium
Reflections = Medium
ScreenSpaceReflections = Medium
GrassDensity = Off
antialiasingMode = FXAA
ColorGradingIntensity = Medium
vertical Sync = Off
StreamerMode = false
LimitForegroundFPS = true
MaxForegroundFPS = 200
LimitBackgroundFPS = true
MaxBackgroundFPS = 200
SelectedMonitor = 0
ScreenMode = Windowed
Resolution = 1600x900

4.yes i do 「steam」this 「function button」

5.only 「lastEpoch」,not opne other (EX:chrome…

6.ok sure

Now try again 「steam」this 「function button」fps is great , thanks team!

Glad its working better now…

Dont set the framerate limit this high… Set it to whatever your monitor can support or LESS i.e. if you have a 60hz monitor set it to 60fps… if you have a 144hhz monitor, then set it to 144 fps MAX.

Look at your GPU usage and if its higher than 60-70% then lower the FPS…

ok thanks ,

is this ? Have a Recommended fps settings?

The recommended FPS all depends on your system and setup.

  1. Your monitor can only display a certain fps - so if your monitor is 60hz then you may as well set the game to 60fps or around there because it cannot actually show it any faster. This is not a first person shooter game so you dont really need high framerates.

  2. At 45% GPU usage you can increase increase the FPS if your monitor can handle faster…

  3. At medium settings your 2060 should be able to play the game at 100fps without problem but you need to see if your monitor supports it and watch your GPU usage.

sure , Thanks for helping!

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I have a 2060 and settings to max quality for 1920x1080 limited to 60 fps.
I can drop to 30-35 sometimes but I hardly see the difference. In very rare occasions I drop lower and at that moment, I can see it.

Your framerate limiting is probably what is keeping things stable - even at high in-game settings.

Just keep an eye on your GPU usage… I have found that this is the best way to ensure decent FPS (and reduced spikes) while keeping your hardware thermals under control and making sure that when LE tries to stress the GPU, that it has some headroom to maintain stability.

For example, I CAN run my 1060 at 100fps but the GPU usage maxes out almost all the time and the game gets unstable with odd freezes and I have found that the fps spikes can knock off half of the fps at a time - which is very obvious while playing…

And honestly… imho, there really isnt that much difference in graphic quality between High and Ultra - but your GPU will thank you…

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