Manual Server Region Selection

I didn’t see this post, but if confirms my intuition. It’s a big decision to let the players to load balance the servers. Perhaps things would have been different if there were hundreds of thousands of us and you’d have enough entropy. But even then, it would not be as good as a proper load-balancing algorithm, or even a possibility of having one in the future. Meanwhile, something has to be done for far-flung parties. I think a button to find the best servers for the entire party as I suggested, is a good compromise.

I dont really play with others much at all but as a rundown most games I do play; you play on the hosts server, so in say PoE you will get 6 players 3 from EU 2 from US and 1 from Australia, the EU (host) will have 30-90MS as the EU players, US players connecting to EU prob about 110 and I will have 350 connecting to EU

Now I can say ask them to play on Australian servers so I get 56ms and they all get 250-350m but thats unfair to them and now theres no reason to group with me

This is the basic way all online games work if you live in the southern hemisphere

Thanks for the clarification.

With the server being based solely on party host, I am definitely incentivised to play with people closer to me geographically and avoid playing with those further afield.

Unfortunately, that does limit the available player pool (particularly if language is a consideration)

I play PoE a lot and we have a very geographically diverse guild. PoE does allow manual server selection. When we do want to play together on my atlas, I often connect to London to which I have an ok connection and so do others. There is often no hope for the Aussies and Kiwis to play with us. :slight_smile:

Exactly. When I played D3 years ago there was 3 Servers NA/EU/Asia on the menu you have ‘Join game’ if you click that the game prioritized Australians/Oceanic but were invisible (cant see games) only way to play with US players is to form a party but you had no way to play naturally with them. The game region locked you but didnt tell you… due to sheer numbers US have better quality players to play with. You dont want to always be carrying 3 strangers around

I joined Quin69s guild Juice to be able to play with psychos so I could level my gems, the only way I could play was forming group in chat

Ive lagged out of countless PoE rotations as the host is in Frankfurt and the connection is just hypershit

Poe Servers, Washington isnt normally as bad from memory. Casual 500 ping to South Africa

So you can see why not hyped for MP infact it makes everything worse for someone like me

Short of some ftl shenanigans, there’s not much that can be done with respect to the lightspeed nature of telecoms. Even if it were a direct path around the Earth’s surface. 6,371km radius 2pir gives a distance of 20,000 km from Aus to the UK, ish, which at 299,792 km/sec is 0.0668s in 1 direction or 0.133s round trip, so the absolute minimum ping the universe will allow an Aussie based on the non-existant direct path from oneside of the planet to the other is 133 ms. That’s ignoring any routing (increases distance), the signal being converted from light to electrons (which would be both non-instantaneous and drastically lower the signal travel speed) and any “network management” (deliberately adding in a pause) or things generally being clogged up at any point in the journey or bbeing sent on a weird-arse route.

Great suggestion.

+1 for manual server region selection.

BTW didn’t pay attention while playing: how on hell you know which server you’re connected at?

Server in London when?

When in game, check the 3 blue bars on your action bar (right side). It shows your ping and region.

Here you go

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Since the beginning.

Are we going to have a hotfix soon?

My friend is connecting to the wrong server. We are in Brazil and he is connecting to US.

+1 for manual server selection. I play with my friends in EU, I am in US West. We can’t connect to a US East server to make our ping 80 or so. One of us suffers and gets extreme desync with 160 ping. This is less than ideal and if you have dedicated servers, please give us the server that is best for the whole party, not just a host.

Or just give manual server selection…

EHG have stated on Discord they are aware of a bug causing some SA players being connected to NA servers and are looking into it :slight_smile:

Source: Discord

I’ve resigned myself to the fact the LE will just be an offline game for me. Unfortunately, Amazon don’t have any servers in my country and because of the routing, the nearest would be in Europe but that connection would be ~150ms. However, right now the game connects me to US NE which is ~300ms. So having the ability to select a European location would at least give me a possibility of online play.

I’m having the same problem and I’m from the EU. I’m placed in either Asia or US servers. I’m getting 200-300 ping.

I hope this gets fixed ASAP…

i have the same issue, for some reason i cant enter in SA servers :frowning:

Have same type of issue.
First time i logged into multiplayer, i was on Asia NE server with 40 ping. Now game constantly sending me on Asia SE with 250-300 ping. When i log out/log in 5-10 times, it can choose different Asia SE server with 100 ping. Sometimes it choosing Asia NE server with 40 ping but this happening very rare.
Also game can change server when i enter new location.
I really hope that manual server selection will be added to this game.

+1 for manual region selection


I’m all for allowing players to select a server region. I’m from Australia & I play with a friend from the UK, so being able to select a region that works for both of us & not just the party lead would be a major improvement in my book.