Mana Regen for high mana build is not enough

100% agree. It’s the exact same with Acolyte. They can use health to nuke skills and get instant HP regen a second HP bar lol and insane leech

With a cooldown, can’t remember how long it is for that kind of thing, but yes, I take your point and don’t disagree.

It does, Focus with Null Profusion, it’s just nowhere near as good as VR.

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I understand the devs wanting mana to be a resourse that can’t be ignored, but they literally made mechanics for other classes that ignore it. Rogue also has no mana issues, despite having 70 mana Sync Strike, which they spam in all BD builds. Rogue builds run around with 100 mana and no care in the world for it.

I think the only reason why Mage has mana “issues” deliberetly designed is because they can use their mana pool for defence, which other classes can’t. However, I think there has to be a mechanic, that for example, removes any mana issue, but doesn’t allow it to be used as a defencive layer.

In other RPGs I’m so hard for casters, but in this one, I stay away from Mage with 10m sterelized stick holded by someone else, because I can’t stand its mana managment.

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+1 for mana regen being a bastard when Sorcerer’s fun (as near as I can tell) is supposed to be the BIG damage hits. It’s out of tune for sure. The “best” staff in the game even INCREASES mana cost of skills for what, at best 28 more flat spell damage depending on compared staff? Sorcerer definitely needs some help in a couple passives, maybe an affix or two. Even if there was a global flat mana regen affix that at T7 would at BEST be like 10 extra mana and it only appeared on relics or only amulets or only catalysts, that could do a lot to help out. I know they don’t want mana to become trivial like it is in PoE, but Sorc definitely needs some help, and I’m perfectly fine with the mana regen they need being sorc only implementations, such as passives or uniques/sets or even gear/idol affixes that only apply it if you don’t use melee tag skills.

Agree, Sorc feels this issue the hardest. A mage only rare/very rare affix would be very welcome.

I don’t think it’s intended for you to rely on mana regen to afford your big spells. Static orb has a node to refund up to 75% of its cost by casting lightning blast after. Meteor has a node that causes fireball to generate mana, as well as a node to recover up to 45% of the cost of your last meteor cast over 3 seconds. Teleport has a node to make your next spell refund its cost, which also still works with the aforementioned refund mechanics to generate mana. Channeling Focus is an option, but even if you don’t like that you can go with the Null Profusion and subsequent nodes, letting you just tap focus while negative mana to instantly get 40% of your mana pool back, without even channeling the skill. If you are close to enemies, Mana Strike has some great mana recovery, particularly with Mana Cleave and the extra mana gained while negative mana. Relying on mana regen affixes is probably the weakest tool you have available, and only really makes sense when you have low-to-medium cost skills that are just barely unsustainable.

I think I would like to see Focus give some amount of flat mana regen instead of %increased though, if only to make mana regen affixes more useful for something.


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