Mana consumption and Ethereal Arrows

I’m still in the process of leveling my Marksman Rogue so I was hoping someone further along might be able to answer. Do we know whether or not “mana consumed” such as by the Coated Blades passive in Rogue tree or Infused Discharge in the Detonating Arrow skill tree count as being part of the mana cost for the Ethereal Arrows passive in the Marksman tree? I had initially assumed yes, but now I’m not so sure as there are similar effects that use mana cost wording instead, so it seems like it might be an intentional use of different wording. I was hoping to stack mana to fire off enormous Detonating Arrows, but I’m starting to think it may not work as planned and would be better to do it using Cinder Strike with Overexertion instead.

To add to his question about ethereal arrows.

What about channeled skills?

1 initial cost * 5
x channeled cost per second * 5

The channelled cost probably wouldn’t be counted since that’s “channelled cost” not “mana cost”.

I guessed so too but i am just confused cause everyone seems to get that 10 passive points …

Or does Etherael Arrows talent scale the damage of the procced skill based on its own mana cost even if you dont pay the manacost?

@boardman21 expert of procced multishots i summon you :wink:

I think it would, yes, since that passive buffs the damage based in the skill’s mana cost, it doesn’t mention the cost that you pay (it’s not “increased damage per mana spent” for example).

A simple test. Added to my to do list

If it works like llama suggests it should be quite noticeable if you dont equip the unique bow.,
18 Manacost * 5 = 90% inc damage? (70% with the bow)

Sorry i have much time in office to think but i cant play here :wink:

For me, “mana cost” and “consumes additional mana” are to different things (mechanics). First you pay mana cost of a skill (you can see mana cost by hovering over a skill bar) and then that skill consumes additional mana. So “Ethereal Arrows” should work with “Mana Wrap” and other nodes that increase mana cost of a skill. Btw, huge big one shot detonating arrow doesn’t really work: aoe is to small, crit or no dmg, much delay, one arrow and oom.

Consume mana doesn’t increase the damage from ethereal arrows from my testing. I didn’t take the effort to remove all other dmg scaling to make it easier but it seems pretty clear in testing with a low mana ability like multishot.

Agreed with your analysis, Hail of Arrows feels like the only ability that works well with Ethereal Arrows (although it works way too well, 120 mana cost is sustainable and gives 600% increased damage, lol)

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