Make an more advanced loot filter

I’m interested in picking up all items that that have affixes that I don’t already have 100 affix shards for. There are no options like that in the loot filter. The loot filter of this game is my favorite part about it, however it really feels limited in its ability. Make an advanced mode, which lets you get creative with more options, arguments, and details.

For example:

Show “ALL Items” with “Affixes” Where “Current Affix shard Count is Less than 100”

Add some general arguments in loot filter between specific conditions, such as “AND” “OR” “Greater Than, Less Than, Equal To or greater than, etc” Also add more things to pick from, such as Forging Potential, Weaver’s Will, Legendary Potential.

For example:

(“Item is Exalted”) [Condition 1] AND (“Item has T7 Armor affix” OR “Item has AT LEAST 10 Intellect”) [Condition 2] AND (“Forging potential Greater Than 30” OR “Item has T5 or greater Health” [Condition 3] etc. Make the arguments with parenthesis (or behave as if they had them) like a normal math equation, so that very specific conditions and set. This would bring so much fun to the game. I hated D4 because I had to read every single little item that dropped. Remove the clutter and the downtime by enhancing loot filters even more.

In WoW, you could program addons to display which skill to use based on specific sets of conditions. Instead of which skill to display, we want to show which items to display, based on specific sets of conditions. While this is in game at a basic level, it could be so much better, and thus the game be so much more fun.

I’m sympathetic to a few of your ideas, but I think you want to go too far. Filtering for forging and legendary potential would be nice.
My most wanted addition would be map icons because of offscreen loot. Sticking around for a monster to die kinda invalidates many builds.

On a side note, your condition 1 is completely redundant. Having t7 armor or 10+ int automatically makes an item exalted.

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