Major quest echo bug

Twice now doing quest echoes I compelged the first one - then came back later and it reset saying I had not done them - MAJOR GAMEBREAKING BUG YOU NEED TO FIX ASAP - first was in Blood and death 2nd time in Ending thge storm you need to get onto this now

Once you kill a boss in an echo, the normal monolith quest line resets.

In an empowered monolith, you don’t have to do the questline, just the boss.

No the issue is I ahve jsut found i goto the bazzar and when i return i lose stablilty Iit jsut happened again - this is major gamebrekaing bug and has to be addressese ASAP

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Just happened again - I did first quest echo in the Fall of the outcasts- did it checked it and said completed. Then I left and came back and it reverted not saying completed with the gold icon indicating I have to do it and stability was reduced. Please fix this major gamebreaking bug

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