Major Bug not showing items

When you hit X , it also disables Ground Item Tooltips like you hit alt-z one time.
You will not see anything on the ground until you hit alt-z to re-enable Ground TIem Tool tips.
Every time you hit X, it disables all Ground Items.
If you hit alt-z after hitting X, it will say it enabled the ground item tooltips.

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Can confirm.

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The loot filter is not broken.

They just added a new function in the setting “change input keys”. Go there and find the option for “toggle tooltips for items on ground”. Once you bind it to a desired key you can toggle if you want loot on the ground to be seen.

You should just be sure that the “loot filter toggle” is bind to something else than "toggle tooltips for items on ground”.

Nope. My loot filter toggle is X and my “toggle tooltips for items on ground” is alt-z

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Toggle Tooltips For Items On Ground is set to Alt-Z.
Loot Filter Toggle is set to X
When I hit X, it disables Toggle Tooltips on Ground, like I had hit Alt-Z.
This is not related to those settings or the filter in general.
X is doing two things, it is showing all Loot AND it is disabling Tooltips For Items On Ground.

Can confirm this is broken; Pressing x is also toggling “Ground Item Tooltips”. Once you press x the game is messed up permanently until you press alt+z again to show item tooltips. But it will be messed up again once you press x.

For me the fix so far is to just unbind x (toggle loot filter) and not use this feature at all.

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your right seems like its doing both, was wondering why when i got it to work it magically stopped, because i hit X

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Yeah somethings broken really


I have the same issue. Alt+Z seems to show the items again after you pressed X.
I changed the hotkey for Loot filter disabling to not press it by habit.
Hopefully the issue will be fixed soon. My guess is that * Fixed Loot filter toggle “X” sensitivity from the changelog of 1.0.5 is causing this.

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Should have put this under Bug Reports.

Sorry this was my first forum post here, I did not see the bug report section. Someone else has already posted there though.

This is fixed with guys

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