Lots of High Hope for D4 S4

The item changes sound allright but if the season themes are crap i stay away from it.

Me too , im looking forward for the changes , if they fix it its only good for the arpg genres to have 2 good games to play , i dont mention POE because after many years is over for me . My main critic for arpgs is the combat system.gameplay and then the endgame,crafting etc and POE shows its age ,its very tiresome and slow compared to D4 and LE plus have zero new players and specially that stays in the game for the known reasons,even old players like me are leaving the game

I agree. But my expectations for LE are less positive. After getting bored in LE i tried D4. And i enjoy it more than LE despite the bad reviews. But i have to add i am not yet in the endgame of D4 (i wait for the new season to do this).
The reason for this is the technical issues of LE. Character not attacking, rubberbanding, loading times etc. D4 just plays so much better. And i think it will be way more easy to add interesting content to D4 than for LE to fix the tech issues.
So i expect my goto games in the future will be D4 and GD.

If you’re experiencing rubberbanding or long loading times you can just play offline until it’s fixed/improved. This is not to say that this isn’t an issue in LE, but that at least here you get an option.

However, I will agree with you on one thing: combat in D4 feels really good. It’s the single best aspect of the game (along with the campaign, though no one plays that more than once). Though I’d say in early levels it felt painful, but I haven’t played D4 since the launch, and I hear that it’s better now in that regard.
And, sidenote, I also like how combat feels in LE and in PoE.

My own opinion on ARPGs is that they are all fun to start with if you like the genre, whether you’re talking about D4, LE, PoE, GD, D2, etc. I think every single ARPG is fun to play for couple of days at least.
It’s the endgame that will make some players stick around or leave. D3/D4 is more for casual players, PoE is more for hardcore players and most other ARPGs stand somewhere in that spectrum.


Yeah and LE comes to fill the gap because is a game for Casuals and Hardcore players too , maybe more for casuals because is new game but in 1 year from now i think LE will be maybe the ideal arpg .

There are other games that bridge that gap and I would personally stay away from a term like “ideal ARPG”. I don’t like D3/D4, but I don’t think they’re actually bad games. They’re just bad games for me (and for the D2 crowd).
For some people, D3/D4 is the ideal ARPG and that’s fine. What matters is finding a game where you have fun. And so far, LE is the most fun I’ve had in an ARPG since D2.

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