I logged in this morning to find that I was missing 5 stash tabs. Most of my collected idols are now gone. My stash tab cost also did not go down from what it was previously. I attempted to verify the game files, but issue was found.
Absolutely nothing useful in these logs. Doesnt even look like you loaded a char and played in either of them - there is nothing in them that could hint at what may have or is happening.
Are you sure the Tabs are lost and not just in a different category? Quite a few people mistakenly lose their tabs in this way. Need to be sure of this before continuing.
Did the game crash in any way after you purchased these tabs?
If its not just “misplaced” tabs, then there is a known issue where tabID and categoryIDs can get messed up in the stash but this usually happens if you were manually reordering tabs and making categories before shutting down the game. Where you doing anything like this?