Lost Skill points when respecing?

Hey All,

my character is currently lvl 30, i decided to respec all my skill, I had 3 slots open for skill. before I think i had like 5-11 points in each but after reset I only see 5/5/5 available? is this right? thanks.

Yes, as you level up you get more minimum levels so when you respec you have more available points.
It should also be noted that even though you only have 5 skill points now, they have accelerated XP, so you should get back to level 11 pretty fast.

On the whole, it’s not a big issue, because you can still clear the campaign with those points and you’ll get the rest back pretty fast. It’s just an initial perception issue. Don’t worry about respeccing them more often. They do level up a lot faster.

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Just remember not to respec all of your skills at the same time if possible. It doesn’t hurt too bad at low levels, which you are still at, but at higher levels it can hurt a little more.

I’ve actually done that a few times and it wasn’t a big issue. A couple monos were enough to get them up and running again at lvl 18 or so. Even with just 10-11 minimum levels, skills are effective enough.

EDIT: though, of course, if you stagger the respecs, it’s a lot easier.

Yeah, I didn’t say it was a major issue just that it can hurt a little more. If you’re doing 400 corruption and respec all your skills at the same time and jump right back in before they relevel, this is where it might hurt a little.

Yes, they will level quick enough but you will feel it.

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Ok, thanks a lot! very helpful.


Why is this weirdness still implemented? Just do away with it. It has no purpose.

It does have a purpose, you just don’t like it. It’s like saying “I didn’t have a choice”, you probably did, you just didn’t like them.

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What is the purpose of this obtuse math? Please explain it to me.

i guess it’s supposed to give you a sentiment of “my choices matter”.

personally it just deters me from trying stuff. i’ll try it when i die lol

No, it’s just supposed to give you a sentiment of “it’s too annoying to constantly switch builds to cheese content”.
Once you’re in empowered monos, the attrition in respecing skills is small enough that you can do it easily enough if you just want to experiment with a few things, and big enough if you just want to constantly switch builds according to the content you’re doing at the moment.

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You can just cheese the system anyway. Do a mono with exp tomes before respeccing and collect them after switching skills, back to 20 or at least very close to it.

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Exactly, you can already set it up in a way that you can experiment without much attrition. But still enough attrition that doing that 20 times a day just to cheese content is something that only a few people would even try.
After all, you waste 5 minutes switching to a boss setup only to save, what, 5 minutes or less? It’s not worth it. And then another 5 minutes switching back.

I dont think the system has any place on low level respecs as is in OPs case though. Its really annoying for new players for no good reason :confused:

This is mostly a perception issue. The campaign doesn’t have enough difficulty. A level 5 skill can easily carry you through it.
I’ve personally respeced skills during the campaign many times because I like to switch to the build I’m making as soon as possible. I’ve switched every single skill (thus all of them were downleveled) as early as level 5 and often at level 15-20 (when you get the mastery). It never impeded me in any way.

Now, that being said, I do agree that the minimum level should be adjusted so that at early game you don’t lose so many levels. Not because it actually has much impact in the game but because it leaves a negative impression on new players.

The more they keep playing the more they realize that this downleveling, even as it is now, isn’t really relevant. But the initial impression is already there.

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This is one of those cases where the “Creatives” were trying to be clever. And bad math is simply bad math no matter which way you slice it. It’s not the end of the world, but it is silly. I would much rather them fix the inventory bug. But overall someone should also tell them that they have done a tremendous job on this game. And to keep pushing and getting better.

What bad maths is there?

I am starting to remember why I have nothing to do with this community. And it has nothing to do with your maths! We simply have a lack of mature conversation both here and in Discord. I do not think these devs understand in order to get that type of feedback they have to create it.

So, you think the game is weird, and have nothing to do with the community…
Real question is why are you wasting ur time in both playing the game and discussing here in the forums, heck, you’re even on Discord…

Not telling you should leave, but at least try and be a little bit nicer to other people, u know…

Sir, this is a Wendy’s.