I have finished the Maj’Elka Waystation Level and I honestly cannot for the life of me remember what happned after that and now I am completely lost. I am doing the main campaign and my next campain marker is showing up at the Mountains Of The Sun Area, but I do not know how the heck do I manage to reach there please? Can anyone help me out? I sure would appreciate it very much, as I cannot at this stage in the game, progress any further and I want to be able to do so. Please help. Thanks.
When you hit M for the map on the left side it should show you your quests. Select that quest and it should take you there to help guide you. If you don’t see your quests on the map then press Shift to unhide them.
Hi there Travoas, that is a very handy tip, thank you so vrey much. I shall try that right away. You’re awesome by the way.
PS: I have tried your suggestion Travoas and it worked, thank you so much for that, at least I now know now, should I get lost again in my game, I know what to do. Though I will in future, make notes too of where I have been in the game and list what I have completed. So much hapens in the game it’s a bit hard to keep up with what’s going on. So, a few details will help me play the game better.
The Maj’Elka waystation is a teleporter that leads to “The Desert Waystation”. From there, you have to follow that string of zones (Rust Lands, Lower sewer, etc.). Good luck in your fight against the Immortal Emperor!
Thank you P3H4 For that information. I do not think that my character is up to going up against the Imortal Emporor. I am playing an Acolyte. I think I may have her build wrong. Yes, I know that there are guides out there, but I like to be able to experiment with things in my own way, see what works and what doesn’t work. That’s the best way of learning. Though I might try a build one day. Right now, I am happy with experimentation. I like to be self taught when it comes to playing Role Playing Games, learning the ropes as it were, as I go along. Thanks again by the way.
You should be able to complete the campaign even with a mediocre build. Maybe even the normal monoliths as well. You’ll likely have some difficulty with Lagon and Majasa, though.
However, if at any point you feel like you want to improve your build, without having to use a guide, just go to the acolyte category, post your build there (use the build planner in lastepochtools.com, you can import from your online character or from your save if you’re playing offline, then you can link it).
Just say that you don’t want to use guides but would welcome some tips on improving your build and people will usually give you a bunch of pointers and explanations on what to improve and why, without spoiling your self taught experience like a build guide would.
Thank you DJSamhein, for that most wonderful suggestion. I shall definately take that up. I do feel that the Acolyte with the right refinements, I will be able to go far with her. I will definately post my current build of the Acolyte to lastepochtools.com I was almost on the verge of thinking about deleting her, even though I have pretty good gear and lots of goodies in my chest, as well as having some cool unique items that I really would not want to loose those. My character keeps dying a lot and yes I know that does happen a lot in the game and that is okay, I accually did not mind that. But it is becoming a little bit annoying now. I need to find a way that will help my character to not get killed so offten when fighting mobs and bosses alike.