Lost connection to Game Server (more than 1 Day)

Hi - this appears to still be happening. It’s approximately every 5 minutes this morning. Have been in touch with my ISP who tell me there are no issues with my end of the network, at last as far as their switches in my local exchange. The problem DOES appear to be application related, as no other equipment or application on my local netowrk is affected. Some HELPFUL information would be much appreciated. Telling me that you’ve told someone else is NOT helpful.

It is happening today. I can log in to my other characters, but not my main one. This is definitly a problem with last epoch.

I too have had this issue repeatedly over the last two weeks. My internet provision is through Sky.com via Openreach (I’m in the UK). So far, in order to assess the network connections to my home, I’ve had two visits from engineers from each provider, had my router changed, installed direct wiring to my pc from the router (it was wireless via net extenders before) and STILL I lose connections to Last Epoch. I DON’T lose connections when playing WoW, Diablo, or ANY other game. Please be kind enough to explain WHY you’re having these issues, and what YOU are doing to resolve them. I have also installed a tiny piece of monitoring software which continually polls the DNS servers that are in use, and they’re not reporting any downtime either, so it’s fairly obvious that the problem’s at your end. Many thanks in advance.

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