Edit : I have lost my BANK AND ALL ITEMS with 12 PAGE BANK WTF ?


Same here! This is BAD …
HC SSF character
EDIT: found the problem… my character is HC no longer…
BUT I never died, just logged in!

I can confirm same full reset of my SC stash occurred. my HC stash is fine though.

I have the same problem i just lost all stash, shards, money and everything just before the update… Pfff what now?

Sam problem here , lost evrything , lost My rank faction too

It looks like game for some reason uses stash/currency/mats snapshot from the first few minutes of the SCF character (before you were able to buy any stash tabs). I have 2 random shards, and few hundred gold.

I hope the data is simply misplaced and whatever migration was ran for patch could be reapplied with correct data(if that how it works) and not totally overwritten.

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Second topic about this…same problem with me

you also lost your faction progress and cant wear the items that require it, probably.

i wonder how they’re gonna fix that without rolling back everybody. gonna be interesting.

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sadly same here… SSF

I also lost my whole stash. Noticed my Circle of Fortune level got reset to zero.
because of this, some items that require a CoF level aren’t usable anymore.
I never played hardcore, only SC.

My Alt died on HC and now my stash, gold and materials were all removed on SC

Ditto - lost all stash, progress, etc. after HC death.

see Notice: Hardcore Character Issue

Same happened to me,.Maybe I’m a bit of a dick but I’m just happy I’m not the only one who got srewed over

Same thing happened to me, except I have never played a hardcore character.

This just happened to me, and it reset my rank7 circle faction

I lost all items, stash, gold, and crafting materials from all normal characters dye to HC death bug, please help this sucks.

Same, not sure what happened. gold, stash and materials are gone on all my sc chars.

Same thing happened to me

So the DEVs/Mods say nothing to that big problem?

We lost all our Gold, Mats and Chest inventory…
Sorry but without any answer, that’s disgusting!

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