Losing points when respeccing skills earlygame is very bad

He didn’t judge specific feedback, but he basically said giving feedback as a whole is pointless and if you don’t like something about the game your only options are to deal with it, or quit playing the game. Essentially judging all feedback to be valueless. Which is kind of a stupid take to post in a feedback forum.


If that’s what you took from his post (especially the second & final paragraphs), that’s entirely up to you, but that’s neither what he said nor meant.

No, what he said was:

For someone who was sog indignant about people either not reading their posts, (deliberately) misreading them or just plain not having the reading skills to read their posts, I really thought you’d read his comment & think about it a bit more closely.

Vapourfire agrees that you should provide feedback on things that you’re not happy with regardless of whether anyone else agrees or disagrees with you, if it’s given in good faith, (which I assume yours is) then it’s a useful data point for the devs. The next bit is the conditional statement that you appear to not have understood - if the devs “ignore” (or don’t action or whatever) your feedback and you can’t get past that (“that” referring to your feedback being ignored/not actioned), then your options basically boil down to moving on. He never at any point said that all/any feedback is pointless & that if you don’t like a thing then you either ignore the thing you don’t like or GTFO.

Does that help explain his stance on that particular bit? I’m trying not to be a dick about it.

Which is why he didn’t say that. He was bemoaning the apparent belief that “our” feedback is superior to the devs’ view on a thing (not entirely sure I agree on that, IMO, it both is & isn’t, yes, I do have splinters from sitting on the fence this hard)


that sometimes feedback can be given in a very fragile way (ie, if people disagree with the feedback giver then it’s taken as a personal attack/affront)

and and

“feedback today” appears to be given in a selfish/self-centred manner/perspective, which I kinda get though being the pedantic delightful soul I am, IMO feedback is often given from a very personal point of view (which can be taken to be selfish/self-centred, especially if in combination with the point immediately above.

God it’s so annoying to have to explain every little thing to you because you just don’t read.

So you’re ignoring his most recent post where he tried to clarify his position? 'K.

But yes, as has previously been established, I am part of the problem. If others aren’t getting what one is saying for an extended amount of time, one does have to consider the possibility that one is the problem, not them. Unless one is s massively egotistical narcissist, obviously.

You’re the one who said “He’s not & never said he did”…

I was pointing out that he very much did say something to that effect previously.

I didn’t even point out how dumb some of his other takes are, like comparing some random person critiquing picasso and saying they should destroy an entire painting (because I think what I’m asking for is a pretty minor change to the game as a whole) to a b2p game that players are expected to invest significant time in. Players have a lot more invested in the game, and the devs have a large incentive to make a game the players like (I doubt Picasso had a feedback forum).

Yes because I definitely haven’t given examples of where you completely missed something numerous times or anything.

Nice goalpost shifting again btw after I pointed out what I said about him was completely correct and he did say that.

The inability to drop some feedback without thinking like every other forum caveman that is a diehard dev simp, is just pitiful and disgusting. As one you should be proud to be just another in front of the game, thinking that deserves to answer everything.

Well, nobody asked any of you to verify 3 people’s feedback. If its here its justified.
Do we need your validation also. Wow it’s full of cave dwellers and troglodytes. And the same ones.

Nobody let this person to give his feedback, and the cavemen in this forum don’t deserve anyone doing so.

You are mistaking all this with a simple thing called bias and most people are trying not to be biased.
About pedantic and delightful, id chalk that up to just a simple man that probably lives alone without a mirror.

And the wise teacher that tells us to accept rejection. Rejection from who? You? :joy: Seems you do it well. Especially the please please please part :joy:

Everyone point to the guy who argues just to hear themselves talk. ====> @Kirvin

Not only do you seem to enjoy beating the everlovingshit out of dead horses. But you also clearly love to cherry pick the ones to shoot, just so you can beat them.

As a semi-casual player who has ok ARPG experience and has put about 700 hours in LE, I think the re-spec punishment may be a little bit too harsh on new players.

I myself have no problem with it as I am quite familiar with the game already, and know that skill points indeed won’t have too much influence damage-wise in the early game but I can imagine new player’s frustration.

Personally I am not that affected, as most of players like me probably already have a few good leveling items that make early game a breeze no matter the skills levels of the skill I am using.

So in summary, I support the idea to lower Minimum Skill Level unlocking levels in the early game, just to make the game more welcoming to new players, but I am ok with EHG insisting on keeping this level of re-specing punishment.

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Man, this was my fun today, but could not read all the missed posts In my lunch time at work.

Taking a more fair approach, not so long ago I played my first char and indeed this problem has annoyed me, but the game had so much more to offer me that I just kept playing and enjoying all the other things.
Just like said here:

I really think if you can’t get past this point the game is not for you.

I’m not saying it should no be discussed, but once you reach endgame and accumulate hundreds of hours, you notice the game have far more serious problems.
While it might be selfish from my part, I would rather see the devs give attention to these other problems than wasting time (for now) on something that can be easily tolerated.

I agree the “white knights” can make it very difficult to discuss all kinds of feedback, sometimes it’s needed to try to see the things with the perspective of newcomers, or with the perspective of a player who enjoy things in a different way than you. Maybe I was one of them sometime, but I can tell you I played in both sides, I have praised lot of things and I have created a dozen of feedback in points I really see as needing more attention or to be developed better.

After being in love with the game for hundreds of hours I reached a state that it became meaningless to me, all the grind and hours of doing dungeons and monoliths over and over are not worth so much time I was investing the game. It’s a great game, it’s a marvelous history the way It was created, but it will need to evolve in something else if they really want this to be a game for being played years and years by the same players.


These other problems you’re talking about have much more complex and unclear solutions, as opposed to this thing having an incredibly obvious and easy fix (no loss on respec for skill levels 1-10).

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Well it might be an easy fix concerning technical aspects, but still complex if it means the devs have to break their philosophy (giving weight to every decision the player make).

Again it will be highly subjective, I can live with these things and accept this philosophy early game, and I think any player could have a great time with the game early on, it’s the best phase of the game, a player would be overwhelmed by the depth of skills, all the options to discover and combine new skills & passives , every gear is a novelty. I honestly can’t see how this thing could be such a thing to take away the fun from the game.
On the other side the endgame problems can ruin the game experience, in my personal view.

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Hi, just adding my two cents on the matter.
I am a very new player, started 2 days ago along with my better half and we are having a blast (being in 40tish levels). One of the game’s perks are skill trees and ability to tamper with them. The idea is (at least to me) great - I can try out different skills, see how they feel and what they do, it’s a part of getting to know the game and enjoy it even more.
But I cannot do that, can I? Every time I respec a skill, I’m losing over half of the skill points due to something I do not understand (just went from 12 → 5). I really want to try new things, please let me! Do not penalize me for experimenting with the game.

If that somehow would break the endgame, then disable it for the endgame or fix it for the endgame.
If that does not really matter for the early game, then this is NOT a good argument, because I am a new player and I really want to learn that for myself. Besides, all skills are different, have different animation, different summons, all that is something that new players enjoy!

Anyways, I already read somewhere that devs DO listen. So in short my input is, that as a new player, I would greatly appreciate and enjoy a possibility to freely try out all of my character skills because it is a lot of fun.

Keep up the good work,


I completely agree with you. This is easily the biggest negative of the game right now. And when I try to convince others (either friends or everyone on the D4 forums, lol) to come to this game, it always the thing I have to apologize for in advance. This game has the most costly repecc of any ARPG around because it costs the player’s TIME, the most precious resource of all.

It is loss of progression. It is that simple. And that always leaves a bad taste. The fact that you can respec fast and quickly at very high levels is ridiculous when it is at low levels you want to experiment with your class.

People always misunderstand this complaint. We are not complaining about loss of power. The campaign is so ludicrously easy you could murder most of it without spending hardly any points. This is about creativity and experimentation opportunities for the player - it is STIFLED by this dumb mechanic.

There is absolutely no doubt this one mechanic will have made tons of players quit this game.

Ah yes, the most ludicrous argument of them all. The above is not something a new player levelling through the campaign is even going to think about. Switching builds on the fly to match upcoming boss encounters is absolutely an end-game thing.

I mean I struggle to wonder what level you are or what corruption you are pushing to even feel the need to do that. I’ve push pretty far with many Alts and never had to do this.

Either way, guess what? Since completely respecing a skill only take a few minutes at high levels, you can easily do exactly the thing that this stupid mechanic was design to prevent. So the only thing that is achieved is that low level player are severely punished for experimenting with their builds. If anything skill respec should be quick early on when it has no effect on anything and allows the player to have FUN and EXPERIMENT; and then much more costly later to avoid skill-tweaking for boss encounters. They have it backwards.

It really is an embarrassment to the game and I wish they’d rethink it. But for now, for low levels and new players… NO FUN ALLOWED.

It takes a great deal of the fun out of levelling. Especially for people who love to experiment and try all the skills and variants AS THEY LEVEL.

And there is my argument embodied. New player feeling punished by a mechanic that is apparently designed to prevent some fantasy end-game behaviour, which it abjectly FAILS to prevent.

My first response is “so what?”. I mean call the Fun Police, someone is tweaking their build to suit the next encounter!! GOOD FOR THEM. That’s called being creative.

My second response is this. At level 90+ it takes mere minutes to fully respec any skill. So in what way is this mechanic preventing people from switching easily between their mono build and their boss build when they get to the boss? It doesn’t. It punishes low level players, nothing more.

Their “philosophy” is already in tatters, since it is so quick and easy to respec at high levels. So using that as the argument for this mechanic is disingenuous.

Could any nay-sayer please explain to me why respeccing at low levels is slow and painful while respeccing at high levels is quick and easy, given that:

a) Devs want to prevent skill-tweaking for boss encounters (which is an end-game activity)
b) They have a “choices matter” philosophy

With respect to endgame I disagree with this. If the optimal way to play became constantly tweaking the skill trees that would get real boring real fast.

However, I agree with the sentiment with respect to the earlygame.
Currently the system actively discourages experimentation.
This has been proposed already, but I think that the best solution would be to have the minimum skill level be min_skill_level = min(max_skill_level, 10) this way in the early game you can experiment, but you still don’t get to change your build for free in the lategame (because the system would be exactly the same as it currently is).

Unfortunately, this is an issue that only affects newer players, and therefore undeserving of being fixed in the eyes of many.


But is it even a thing? I’ve never heard this behaviour mentioned before ever, except when someone is defending the respec time costs. I’ve also watched hundreds of “professional” build guides online, and not once did any of the pros ever say of their build “for bosses change these x skill points into these”.

And then there are the passives. Why can I immediately and cheaply respec everything there? Surely there are passive points that would be great for a boss but not for a mono and vice versa?

And finally there is my gear. I actually carry around additional items swapped in only for certain bosses. I suspect that alone gives me a greater advantage than any skill point shuffle would, yet that is permitted?

So very inconsistent.

First impressions last. I guess if the devs do not care about keeping as many new players as they can then yeah, ignore the fact they will feel they are losing progression and being punished for experimenting.

For the game itself? No. Maybe some community driven races would suffer because someone who switches builds all the time could be an hour faster then somone else. In arena pushing it makes no real difference and if I have to swith my build in a monolith from AoE to single target to kill a boss 5 seconds faster my build is crap ^^.

Then again I think there is an easy middle ground. Make the respecc friendlier for new player and let everyone keep 5 levels. That’s enough fiddeling room to change build and have a good time and noone is baffled at a level 2 respecc to be back at 1 point ^^. (insert whatever numbers suit you)

I think everyone agrees that this is a non issue for experienced players and we should listen more to the newcomers instead of listening to well veresed experienced players because they are not bothered by it.
Most new players I read over the years simply have a problem with this and i don’t know why it stays as restrictive as it is when there is a obvious issue.

Then again this whole debate is like beating a dead horse because it’s always the same arguments back and forth and all the way arround.

All part of the ritual.

I’d presume that’s because of the current system in place :person_shrugging:t3: .