Lootfilter Question

I would like to display only exalted items that are really good. So I have created a rule that hides everything and should display exalted items where at least one affix (I have selected all) has level 7 and the sum of all affixes should be >24. Nevertheless, items are displayed that have e.g. T6, T5 and T1, which makes 12 for me and none of them is 7. Why is that or what am I doing wrong?

I don’t know what you are doing wrong, but the rule you want wouldn’t show any exalted that is less than 2xT7 and 2xT5. So you’re filtering for perfect drops that you can’t craft on, which is a waste.
I use similar rules, but I only filter T7’s (I evaluate them individually) or 2xT6+.

More importantly, with your rule you’d be excluding items like a 3xT7 with a T1 or even a free affix.

Overall, I wouldn’t use affix sum to filter out good items. What I do have is a rule to show any item with T16+. When these drop I look them over if they have nice affixes that can be improved (but they mostly don’t).

Crafting is a very powerful tool to make the best items in the game. And your rule would filter out a lot of great drops.

Good point. I’ll try 2 affixes greater than or equal to T6 and affixsum 16, but it would be interesting to know why the other logic doesn’t work. Even if I only wanted to display items with 4xT7 and that never drops, the filter would have to hide everything else.

Good point. I’ll try 2 affixes greater than or equal to T6 and affixsum 16, but it would be interesting to know why the other logic doesn’t work. Even if I only wanted to display items with 4xT7 and that never drops, the filter would have to hide everything else.

addition: it seems that open affixes or suffixes are counted as potential t7. maybe this is the solution to the puzzle?

Hard to know without knowing what you’re doing (can you post a screenshot?).
Maybe someone more knowledgeable with filters like @Heavy will be able to guide you better.

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that’s the filter. i would expect at least one affix to be on the item t7 and the rest to total 20. but no matter what i put there, it doesn’t match the drops.

this is a drop with the filter. it is neither a t7 roll and the sum of all tiers is 9.

This is the filter chain:

Update: Do i need a “hide all exalted” before my specific rule? I guess so?

No, rules are read from top to bottom. You need a hide all exalted at the end.

I think that the way it works is that it will only count the affected affixes by the first part. That is, you say it has to be T6+. It matches one affix. When you use the total sum of affixes it is only considering that one.

To set it up the way you want you’d need one condition with all affixes and only T6+ and another condition in the same rule with all affixes and total sum 24+.
So instead of a single condition with both advanced options, you’d get 2 conditions, each with a different advanced option checked.

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