Lootfilter: match by implicit line-item

This isn’t a huge deal, but…

TLDR - Please consider adding an “Implicit” condition type to match on in loot filter, to match (and qualify) the individual stat lines that show up in implicits.

I know we can currently create an item-type filter, and then manually select every implicit-category-name which we want, in order to match for implicits appearing.

However, this is really cumbersome, because…

You can only select specific implicit “subtypes” in an item filter if you only select ONE item type, and you can only include ONE item type clause in a rule. Which means you have to create a separate rule for every item type you want to try to find an implicit on. In other words, if you want to match against “implicit crit on weapons”, you have to create 3-7 rules to do it (depending on how many weapon types you want to check), one for each item-type that can contain a base crit that applies.

Additionally, we currently can’t match against the actual value of the implicit roll… All we can do is match the implicit type name.

It would be so much easier to just pick “Implicit” → “critical strike chance” > 3%, and bala-boom.

Hello, yes, this would be nice.

Like the harbinger upgrade items. There are several types of them and cannot be searched by simple rule, but you instead need set rule for each type.

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