Loot Filter Rule Processing Priority and Sequence

I have watched some videos about the Loot Filters, and specifically how conflicting Rules are processed. The existing information seems to combine the ideas of priority and sequence.

It seems clear that the upper most Rules take priority. I do not fully understand the sequence that the rules are processed.

Here are two scenarios for processing the same set of three conflicting filter rules:

Top Down

In this case the sequential logic would seem like:

  1. Everything is visible by default
  2. Process Rule #1
  3. Process Rule #2
    • Compare results to Rule #1, show items where Rule #1’s priority is not invalidated
  4. Process Rule #3
    • Compare results to Rule #2, show items where Rule #2’s priority is not invalidated
    • Compare these results to Rule #1, show items where Rule #1’s priority is not invalidated

Bottom Up

In this case the sequential logic would seem like:

  1. Everything is visible by default
  2. Process Rule #3
  3. Process Rule #2
    • Show items, override Rule #3 where required
  4. Process Rule #1
    • Show items, override Rule #2 where required

It seems far more logical to think that the Rules are processed from the bottom up, while maintain the Priority higher up the chain as each rule is processed. Is this an accurate way of thinking about this?

Thanks for the help here, relatively new, only a couple hundred hours in.

The problem with that is that it’d require LE to always process every rule for every item rather than working through the list of rules (whichever direction) for each item and stopping at the first rule that triggers for the item (be it a show, recolour, hide, emphasise, etc). Your suggestion would be a significant performance hit for longer/more complex filters.

Edit: or I could actually read your post.

LE processes each item through the filter and stops at the first rule that “triggers”.

I get it thanks. I didn’t realize the Rules effectively had to be mutually exclusive. And yes, I totally understand the performance consideration.

It’s probably a performance thing that they are treated as such.

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