Loot Filter - Property Mismatch

Noticed a value mismatch in my loot filter after switching out a property, just a funny, minor visual bug from what I can tell.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Add rule.
  2. Add condition.
  3. Set condition to Item Type.
  4. Set type to e.g. Helmet.
  5. Set subtype to e.g. 45 Selected.
  6. Add rule.
  7. You now have a “Hide 45 subtypes of helmet.” rule.
  8. Edit rule.
  9. Switch type to e.g. Ring.
  10. Update rule.
  11. You’re now hiding 45 subtypes of ring despite rings only having 7 subtypes.

Adding/removing subtypes will add to or subtract from 45 rather than reset to 0-7.
Mismatch stays through client restarts.

So yeah, nothing game breaking but a lil bit funny though.

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