Loot filter not showing items properly until "X" toggled

With patch 1.0.5 the loot filter seems to be broken. When certain items drop, including all Uniques, the properly-colored glowy shows indicating an item is there but the actual item name isn’t visible. If I press and release the “X” key to toggle the loot filter, the item displays and remains visible. But I can loot the item, drop it on the ground, and it once again gets hidden until the loot filter is toggled. I can repeat this on other characters with different loot filters, none of which hide uniques. I have reloaded the game and the behavior persists. I:t has also been reported in Steam.

[EDIT] This bug seems to affect all my filtered items and even items that can’t be filtered (Arena Keys).


Same issue, I have to press X all the time to show loot

Same here

Also experiencing this. It seems to also be related to the “Ground Item Tooltips” toggle. Pressing alt+z also makes items appear for me (same as pressing x). It seems like using x changes the “Ground Item Tooltips” to hidden. Although only for new items that drop.

Pressing alt+z for me, and then never touching x fixes it sorta for me but I would like to see this fixed so I can use x again

Same here, started today. Have to toggle showing each new zone. If I create new loot filter with only “show all items” it works. But that defeats the purpose of loot filter. Some report toggling once with Alt + Z works, but for me it resets each zone.

When you hit X, it disables Show Ground Item Tooltips (alt-z).
This happens every time you hit X. So you have to hit alt-z after hitting X.
This is easily reproducible.
Simply hit X, then hit alt-z and you will see it re-enables Show Ground Item Tooltips.

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same here

Yep thx, the workaround works.
Pressing X disables the labels at the same time it seems, as evidenced by the messages in the chat box so toggling them once more restores the previous functionality.
Wnen pressing X, chat msg: Loot Filter: Enabled
Note that item labels are gone, toggle them then
Ground Item Tooltips: Visible

P.S. Alt+Z is a bad default hotkey as that is the nVidia overlay, i rebound mine to Alt+X which makes more sense to me as X is already the default for show all.