Loot filter bugged mid encounter

What went wrong?

I was fighting the last boss from “The Stolen Lance” timeline (Empowered) and when I killed the boss, the loot filter bugged out and I couldn’t pick any of the items.
I tried pressing “X” (the default key to disable the filter temporarily) and it didn’t work; Disabled the loot filter via the settings but that also didn’t work, so I ended up losing all my loot, which included at least 3 uniques, judging by the item beams on the floor

I ran a random timeline node afterwards and the problem continued until I went back to the title screen menu, relogged, and the problem fixed itself
[Log File]

Player.log (632.0 KB)


There’s a hotkey for toggling all item labels regardless of filter rules, by default it’s Alt+Z (or only Z if you bought the game long time ago), check your keybinding settings for it. You probably pressed that by accident.

Don’t take this the wrong way, but I’m pretty sure you haven’t fully read my post, because I mentioned I did just that, despite the keybind being different) and I completely removed the filter, and the problem remained

No you said

That’s different than alt+z. The latter disable loot from showing. Tbh I am not sure why it’s in the game.

I think I swapped that keybind, because it does the same, but the end result is the same because I’ve tested it moments ago, and they were both working
In this situation it wasn’t, that’s why I posted as a bug :S

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