Looking for a comfy 500c + Campaign build

Hey guys, I haven’t player Last Epoch since the season launch and I’m looking for a comfy build which can get me through campaign and with better ( medium ) gear to 500ish Corruption. I looked on the build site and nothing caught my attention. So I thought I might ask here.

Please don’t suggest me any build of Manastacker archetype since I’ve played it already.

It would also be nice if you could link me a build Guide to it which I can follow. :slightly_smiling_face:

There should be plenty of them, depending on your playstyle preferences. Most of Aaron’s builds can do 500c and he’s been updating them recently. Plenty of them also kill Aby.

From my recent experience, the easiest one to use when slightly undergeared is storm totems with upheaval. I didn’t follow any build, but kinda based it on this planner (which is based on someone’s character, iirc): https://www.lastepochtools.com/planner/B79lYlzA
This one is kinda squishy around 500c (spire echoes are annoying), but it can deal with bosses very easily and can do Aby. And if you’re kinda patient in echoes and place your totems ahead before moving on, you shouldn’t die too much.
Gear is also not hard to improve upon, most stuff is kinda common and there’s a bunch you can farm with Lagon, which, being a boss, is easily dealt with. (nice tip: warcry “kills” the waves, and even some of Aby’s attacks).

Other than that, I would advise you to simply open one of Aaron’s recent videos, check the description for his build list and see if any seems fun for you. A good thing about Aaron’s videos is that he never uses stuff like red rings or ravenous void, so it’s usually accessible.

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I already looked at some of his builds, but I am not a fan of Aaron and his builds. I saw the lightning wolfs Beastmaster build, but I don’t like minion builds so I didn’t give it a try.

I guess I will just wait for Season 2 and for Frozen Sentinel’s new mage build or for Allie to finally do the armorstacker build, with the new Sentinel reworks.
Because I’m a huge mage enjoyer (only Class fantasy that I have tbh) and I’m certainly interested into the armorstacker Archetype since I play poe1.
Fingers crossed that the Sentinel Rework will make armorstacker finally viable.

That’s fair, although he does have lots that aren’t minion based. He has at least a few for each mastery (they’re usually listed and linked in the video description).
Anyway, I only suggested Aaron’s builds because: 1) it’s a source of multiple different builds conveniently grouped together for easy consultation; and 2) unlike many content creators, Aaron’s builds are achievable. That is, he doesn’t have build planners with red rings or ravenous voids. He might have the occasional omnis, but that’s usually as far as it goes.